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Created October 14, 2023 22:03
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// a different way of generating random values that may "feel" better than true randomness
// every possible value will show up once, but in a random order
// it simply draws from the "bag" every time you get NextValue
// construct either with a list of values, or a size for the most common use
// list values like: new {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4};
// size constructor makes a list of numbers from 0 to size-1
// incidentally, you may want to call Random.InitState(seed) outside this object
// in order to get the same "random" sequence each playthrough
public class ShuffleBag {
private int currentPosition;
private int[] numberList;
public int NextValue {
get {
int val = numberList[currentPosition];
if (currentPosition >= numberList.Length) {
return val;
public ShuffleBag(int[] numbers) {
numberList = ShuffleArray(numbers);
public ShuffleBag(int listSize) {
numberList = new int[listSize];
for (int i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) {
numberList[i] = i;
numberList = ShuffleArray(numberList);
private void Reset() {
int lastValue = numberList[numberList.Length-1];
numberList = ShuffleArray(numberList);
// make sure not to repeat last value
if (numberList[0] == lastValue) {
int r = Random.Range(1, numberList.Length);
numberList[0] = numberList[r];
numberList[r] = lastValue;
currentPosition = 0;
// implementation of Knuth shuffle algorithm
public static int[] ShuffleArray(int[] numbers) {
int[] newArray = numbers.Clone() as int[];
for (int i = 0; i < newArray.Length; ++i) {
int tmp = newArray[i];
int r = Random.Range(i, newArray.Length);
newArray[i] = newArray[r];
newArray[r] = tmp;
return newArray;
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