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Last active May 7, 2019 20:40
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Flowery patterns using polar plots in Gnuplot
# Create nice flower patterns in Gnuplot
set term svg
set output "flower.svg"
unset border
unset raxis
unset tics
unset key
set parametric
set polar
set trange [0:2*pi]
set samples 1000
set size square
plot t+0.1*sin(30*t)**2, sin(10*t) + 0.2*cos(11*t) w filledcurves, \
t+0.1*sin(30*t+10)**2, 0.8*sin(10*t+5) + 0.2*cos(11*t) w filledcurves lc '#55ff0055'
# Do play around with the numbers!
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