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Created March 7, 2013 02:30
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Import Sales into Outright from OpenCart Shopping Cart. Breaks each Sale into line item parts such as: Sub-Total, Shipping, Tax, Coupon and Credit, so you can see detailed Reports in Outright.
Description: Import Sales into Outright from OpenCart Shopping Cart.
Breaks each Sale into line item parts such as: Sub-Total, Shipping,
Tax, Coupon and Credit, so you can see detailed Reports in Outright.
Author: Jhaura Wachsman
Copyright 2013 Jhaura Wachsman
1) Create categories 'Sales Shipping', 'Sales Tax', 'Sales Coupon'
and 'Sales Credit' in Outright. If you don't like these names,
you can rename them in the query below and then create the EXACT
same category NAMES in Outright.
2) Modify date range in SQL to return the orders you want.
3) Export result set as CSV (Not CSV for Excel). Be sure to select:
"Put columns names in the first row".
4) Import the .csv file into Outright as Income.
Example result:
Date Payee Description Category Item ID Amount
01/01/13 Fname Lname eStore Order: 100000 Sales 100000 100.00
DATE_FORMAT(oh.date_added, '%c/%e/%y') AS `Date`,
CONCAT(UPPER(LEFT(o.firstname, 1)), LOWER(SUBSTRING(o.firstname, 2))),
CONCAT(UPPER(LEFT(o.lastname, 1)), LOWER(SUBSTRING(o.lastname, 2)))
) AS `Payee`,
CONCAT_WS(' ', 'eStore Order:', o.order_id) AS `Description`,
CASE ot.code
WHEN 'shipping' THEN 'Sales Shipping'
WHEN 'tax' THEN 'Sales Tax'
WHEN 'coupon' THEN 'Sales Coupon'
WHEN 'credit' THEN 'Sales Credit'
WHEN 'sub_total' THEN 'Sales'
ELSE 'Uncategorized'
END AS `Category`,
o.order_id AS `Item ID`,
ot.value AS `Amount`
FROM `order_total` ot
`order` o,
`order_history` oh
o.order_id = ot.order_id
AND oh.order_id = ot.order_id
oh.order_status_id = 3
AND ot.value != 0
AND ot.code != 'total'
AND oh.date_added BETWEEN '2013-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2013-12-31 23:59:59'
ORDER BY ot.order_id ASC
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