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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Erase all simulators
#!/bin/env ruby
xcodes = Dir.glob("/Applications/Xcode*.app")
puts xcodes
xcodes.each do |xcode|
simctl = "#{xcode}/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcrun simctl"
puts "#{simctl} list"
out = %x{#{simctl} list}
out.lines.each do |line|
match = /(\s+)(.*)\s\(([\d\w]{8}-[\w\d]{4}-[\w\d]{4}-[\w\d]{4}-[\w\d]{12})\)/.match(line)
if match
id = match[3]
name = match[2]
puts "Erasing #{name} (#{id})"
result = system("#{simctl} erase #{id}")
if not result
puts "Failed to erase #{name} - #{id}"
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