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Created March 10, 2011 18:43
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  • Save jfelixetcetera/864627 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jfelixetcetera/864627 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Git Config: Rename this file ".gitconfig" and place inside your home directory.
# This file should be renamed ".gitconfig" and placed inside your home directory.
name = YOUR_NAME
email = YOUR_EMAIL
pager = less -FRSXE
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
br = branch
ci = commit
cia = commit -a
co = checkout
cp = cherry-pick
df = diff
st = status
sth = stash
up = pull origin
who = shortlog -s --
spull = !git-svn rebase
spush = !git-svn dcommit
sub = submodule
ddiff = !git-diff --no-prefix
## `git last 2 name` displays last two days of commits by name on all local and remote branches
## "name" can be a partial match, or left off to display your own commits
last = "!fn() { S=1; A=`git config --get`; if [ -n \"$1\" ]; then S=\"$1\"; shift; fi; if [ -n \"$1\" ];then if [ \"$1\" != \"me\" ]; then A=\"$1\"; fi; shift; fi; git log -i --since=\"$S days ago\" --author=\"$A\" --branches --remotes --format='%C(yellow)%t%Creset %s (%an)' \"$@\"; }; fn"
lastbydate = "!fn() { S=1; A=`git config --get`; if [ -n \"$1\" ]; then S=\"$1\"; shift; fi; if [ -n \"$1\" ];then if [ \"$1\" != \"me\" ]; then A=\"$1\"; fi; shift; fi; git log -i --since=\"$S days ago\" --author=\"$A\" --branches --remotes --date-order --reverse --format='%ai %s' \"$@\"; }; fn"
ui = auto
branch = auto
diff = auto
status = auto
# [color "branch"]
# current = yellow reverse
# local = yellow
# remote = green
# [color "diff"]
# meta = yellow bold
# frag = magenta bold
# old = red bold
# new = green bold
# [color "status"]
# added = yellow
# changed = green
# untracked = cyan
autosetupmerge = true
default = tracking
[remote "origin"]
push = HEAD
# fontdiff = -family Consolas -size 12 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0
tool = diffmerge
prompt = false
keepBackup = false
[mergetool "chdiff"]
cmd = /usr/bin/env chdiff --wait "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
trustExitCode = false
[mergetool "diffmerge"]
cmd = /usr/bin/env diffmerge --merge --result="$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE"
trustExitCode = false
tool = diffmerge
prompt = false
[difftool "chdiff"]
cmd = /usr/bin/env chdiff "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
[difftool "diffmerge"]
cmd = /usr/bin/env diffmerge "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
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