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Jeyaram Ashokraj jeyaramashok

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getaaron /
Created April 1, 2024 23:01
Get a person at the IRS
  • Call 1-800-829-1040
  • Press 1 for English (or other language as desired)
  • Press 2 for personal tax
  • Press 1 for form / tax history
  • Press 3 for other
  • Press 2 for other
  • Ignore 2 SSN prompts till you get secret other menu
  • Press 2 for personal tax
  • Press 3 for other
  • Wait for agent!
rubyroobs / git_repo_binary_investigation_idea.zsh
Last active May 21, 2024 22:17
a starting point for investigating anomalous contributions in git repositories
# ruby's git repo investigation zsh one-liner-ish thingy
# (a starting point for investigating anomalous contributions in git repositories)
echo "$(find . -type f ! -size 0 ! -path './.git*' -exec grep -IL . "{}" \;)" | \
sed -e "s/^\.\///g" | \
while read line; \
do \
echo ">>>>>>>>$line"; \
echo "$(git log --follow --find-renames=40% --pretty=format:"%ad%x0A%h%x0A%an%x20<%ae>%x0A%s" -- "$line" | head -n 4)"; \
commitdates="$(git log --follow --find-renames=40% --pretty=format:"%ae" -- "$line" | head -n 1 | xargs -I {} git log --author={} --pretty=format:"%ad")"; \
mitchellh /
Last active September 6, 2024 16:07
Merge vs. Rebase vs. Squash

I get asked pretty regularly what my opinion is on merge commits vs rebasing vs squashing. I've typed up this response so many times that I've decided to just put it in a gist so I can reference it whenever it comes up again.

I use merge, squash, rebase all situationally. I believe they all have their merits but their usage depends on the context. I think anyone who says any particular strategy is the right answer 100% of the time is wrong, but I think there is considerable acceptable leeway in when you use each. What follows is my personal and professional opinion:

rain-1 /
Last active September 13, 2024 08:42
LLM Introduction: Learn Language Models


Bootstrap knowledge of LLMs ASAP. With a bias/focus to GPT.

Avoid being a link dump. Try to provide only valuable well tuned information.


Neural network links before starting with transformers.

sergeiwaigant /
Last active August 13, 2024 03:07
Simply URL encode string with Linux/Bash/Shell tools


$ printf %s 'encode this'|jq -sRr @uri
$ jq -rn --arg x 'encode this' '$x|@uri'
-r (--raw-output) outputs the raw contents of strings instead of JSON string literals. -n (--null-input) doesn't read input from STDIN.

-R (--raw-input) treats input lines as strings instead of parsing them as JSON, and -sR (--slurp --raw-input) reads the input into a single string. You can replace -sRr with -Rr if your input only contains a single line, or if you don't want to replace linefeeds with %0A:
lisawolderiksen /
Last active September 18, 2024 15:59
Use a Git commit message template to write better commit messages

Using Git Commit Message Templates to Write Better Commit Messages

The always enthusiastic and knowledgeable mr. @jasaltvik shared with our team an article on writing (good) Git commit messages: How to Write a Git Commit Message. This excellent article explains why good Git commit messages are important, and explains what constitutes a good commit message. I wholeheartedly agree with what @cbeams writes in his article. (Have you read it yet? If not, go read it now. I'll wait.) It's sensible stuff. So I decided to start following the

gagarine /
Last active September 19, 2024 23:52
Install fish shell on macOS Mojave with brew

Installing Fish shell on MacOS (Intel and M1) using brew

Fish is a smart and user-friendly command line (like bash or zsh). This is how you can instal Fish on MacOS and make your default shell.

Note that you need the package manager installed on your machine.

Install Fish

brew install fish

mohanpedala /
Last active September 19, 2024 18:26
set -e, -u, -o, -x pipefail explanation
tuxfight3r / openshift_cli_tricks.MD
Last active March 30, 2023 18:02
openshift cli tricks - using go templates

openshift list all pods and thier specs (requests/limits)

oc get pod -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"SPEC:  \n  LIMITS  : "}{.spec.containers[*].resources.limits}{"\n  REQUESTS: "}{.spec.containers[*].resources.requests}{"\n"}{end}'

openshift list all pods and thier specs with name (requests /limits)

oc get pod -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"NAME:  "}{}{"\nSPEC:  \n  LIMITS  : "}{.spec.containers[*].resources.limits}{"\n  REQUESTS: "}{.spec.containers[*].resources.requests}{"\n\n"}{end}'