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Created April 2, 2021 20:06
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Devrel twitter space hoste by Colby with Angie, Sarah, Kelsey, Emily, James
Dev Rel
Don’t sound smart
Help others feels smart
Break thinks down to simple bits
Developer empathy
Not just for senior audiences
Netlify - docs, dx-eng, eng-integrations
Employee of community. Company is a sponsor
Ambassador progr.
Educate ambassadors - teach dev rel - speaking, streaming, tips and tricks, ambassadors recording themselves
Help facilitate. Give them resources
Personal resources
Applitools university
Allow people to build courses
People teaching each other
Personal professional growth based on what dev-rel does
Personal thank you emails - pers relationship
Community management
Culture in community
Model ideals , set expectations for company
Create patterns, groove
Install values in team. Will continue
Safe space, vulnerabilities,
Dev rel should be at leadership table
Needs to be heard
Give company opportunity to do right things
Transcripts for conferences
Goodness Attached to person in role vs organization?
Social warriors
Social media? Extrovert? Influencers?
Varies on mediums that connects best with audience
Don’t hire on followers count
Avenue thats best for you twitter, stage, writing
Every advocate can be different.
Feedback, engineering, writing, ...
Twitter - listening is more important hear from large variety of people
Are there still gates?
Followers want to support what you’re doing
Keep dialogue with them, engaged
Don’t trust corporate blog
Want your opinion without filters
Social media is democraticing
Twitter is not mandatory
Lots of opportunities
Creativity with making connections
Pull new people in that you didn’t talk to before
See real people for what they are
Be yourself. Don’t chase numbers
Don’t be someone else - always happy or angry
There is no quota
Be authentic it’s more sustainable
Active learning from each other
Create content that resonates correctly with ppl
Flipside of fame - visibility, harassment,
Are you a real developer?
Less trust to advocates. Engineering credibility drops.
As engineer you put stuff out to not forget
Ppl thought advocates can’t code
Communication perceived counter to engineering
Thats toxic
As many engineering problems come from communication problems
We can show it. Talk and code. “Who wrote your demo”
It’s not evangelism ie preaching
But learning in public
Everyone is valuable. And has skills
Are we constantly comparing each other in our industry? Why?
Is this role right for juniors? You have to be strong to stand up against a lot of prejudice. Ppl drilling you with questions. Have to be confident.
You have to be prepared. Be also prepared to not know and learn an prepare.
But talk vs workshop. Esp production questions are difficult to address.
Might need to get realworld experience.
Set right expectations. Share knowledge on this one thing you know.
Don’t need to be an expert to be able to teach/share.
Juniors self confidence can be hit hard.
Need to learn how to handle it.
Could it be just different jargons?
Be in background of talk/workshop. Give them confidence. Follow up with constructive feedback.
How to talk to c-suite
New techniques
How to speak at different level and still provide value
Sometimes you need to change leadership first
We’re juniors in new roles too
Board presentations
Metrics. Input output. Need to give context and problem space.
Eg trends.
Connection with people. Find a common bond.
Q how isolating is devrel. Like freelance
Auth0 6-7. Not feels isolated in team
Able to reach out to strangers. Like freshman at college. Build relationships.
Advocacy big feedback loop with product leaders
Empathy workshops with prod/engineering
Work with both community and company ppl
Felt loneliness and well connected
People sometimes separate from us but we’re human beings.
Business often doesn’t understand devrel
Why do we pay them for not marketing our stuff
As manager support the team
Q devrel - hard to get resources? How do we solve that.
Kelsey A worked early on how to flip that. Find revenue line show how to make difference. Lead with strategy. Help contribute to goals. Tell them how you increase their numbers/revenue. Upfront before you do the activity.
Sarah: okr tofu metrics. Active devs. Signup metrics. Npm metrics. All feed into bottom line.
Companies moves in circle. Long term vs short term. Investment changes.
Q - leaderships- questioning your team members actions
Inbound requests only via trusted stature. Know their choices. Retain your credibility. Don’t just retweet your company. Not echo chamber. But larger community.
People lose trust in you if you don’t have autonomy.
Ppl should be able to do sidegigs. For energy and credibility.
How do you talk about your products. There are always downsides don’t do pitches. Be honest.
Trustworthy relationships.
Help people for real. Genuine.
Don’t let your company tell you what to say.
Don’t need legal disclaimer to speak.
Trust your great team members to do the right thing. Give feedback if necessary.
Q - getting into devrel.
Do aspects of it. Writing, speaking, be involved. So you’re a bit familiar.
Should feel passionate about your product
Empathy for your users. Create the th
Sometimes you wish you had a break but build and learn.
Q mental health
Learn when you begin to touch burnout
People only see the short performance but not everything around it.
Know when to stop. Take breaks and rest
Learn to say no
Harassment takes a toll
Therapist helps balance
It was tougher on the road
Pandemic not having the human connections
Care for yourself
Grateful to just down for a moment
Blick calendar. Eg lunch. Family time.
Work blocks.
Artists fall off
You try to be as good as your last talk. Lots of pressure. Esp stress from live demo. More fireside chats where you can be the human.
Can we still drive impact remotely? Streams can be helpful.
Request to be allowed to stay home in the future.
Disable notifications outside of work hours.
Q - devrel is 10 jobs at once. How do you find time for the engineering
K - strategy hat. Add functionality. Then learn. Then share. Learn in public. Gtm strategy. Build product. Advocate to build. Advocate. Deal with team to motivate team to go along. Pick all related things for that one thing. Then feedback loop.
S - Team different strength. Utilize them. Play to those.
E - ebb and flow. 6 mo sprint then crash and burn. My rhythm. Recognize your limitations
J - msft under sales. Now mktg strategy. Learning oppt. Acknowledge when you don’t know. Different ppl from other teams to fill in the gaps. It’s a struggle
Q - critical qualities you need to succeed
K - who are you advocating for? The user? Then at odds with internal folks. Who do we need to talk to. Are you willing to be a true advocate! Being a empathetic person with your users. Go all out for them
E - being able to see the best in others. See where someone can go. Be inspiring. You are someone’s hero. Magical culture
A - tech skills. Additionally good communication skills. Must have. Varying experience levels. Different audiences with different backgrounds. Written, spoken. creativity curiosity. Explore learn new things. Solve interesting problems.
E - find ways to connect even on dry subjects. Emotions. Connections. Creativity in terms of commicating the tech. Murder mystery talk from Angie.
Q - integrated online presence. How do you separate work and personal brand growth
K - allow me to be me. I don’t want to be in a box or conformist. Personal interests align. Then it’s great. Have permission to say what I think. Pivot from tech to personal talk. Wasn’t hiding behind the tech. They saw the person. Gave myself the permission.
Conformity is not good.
Q whats next for all of you. Future of devrel
K - watching all the new ppl careers switchers. Give ppl more personalities to take inspiration from. So many new ppl. Streams etc. some of dr skills are incorporated in all tech
J - implication of growth. Definitely in more and more companies. Also earlier. Starters see more options not just coders. Combine enjoyment of teaching with tech. More doors open
E - empower ppl in their natural power. Not just conferences and on stage. Lean into your own powers. Pandemic helps with new strengths
S - like design expanded. Dr will expand similarly. For direct interactions to journey, feedback loop, dx, tools at fingertips , community involvement , documentation there. Lots of emphasis and empathy for users. Huge value for companies. Remove friction from usage.
A - profession will get more respect. Request dev rel ppl for honest conversation. Community first! Sometimes competitor is better. Create trust. Competitive advantage. Also more senior roles. Do more around the business. C level and board sees more of the value.
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jexp commented Apr 2, 2021

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jexp commented Apr 2, 2021

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jexp commented Apr 2, 2021

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jexp commented Apr 2, 2021


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Recording now up on YouTube :)

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jexp commented Apr 3, 2021

Thanks so much @colbyfayock

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