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Last active April 1, 2019 08:27
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MongoDB replica set in docker
# get it
docker pull mongo
# startup a 3 node replica set
docker run --name mongo-rs-1 -d mongo --nojournal --oplogSize 10 --replSet rs
docker run --name mongo-rs-2 -d mongo --nojournal --oplogSize 10 --replSet rs
docker run --name mongo-rs-3 -d mongo --nojournal --oplogSize 10 --replSet rs
# connect to first node
docker run -it --link mongo-rs-1:mongo1 --link mongo-rs-2:mongo2 --link mongo-rs-3:mongo3 --rm mongo /bin/bash
# find all IP's for later commands
MONGO1=`grep mongo1 /etc/hosts | awk '{print $1}'`
MONGO2=`grep mongo2 /etc/hosts | awk '{print $1}'`
MONGO3=`grep mongo3 /etc/hosts | awk '{print $1}'`
mongo mongo1:27017 --eval "rs.initiate(); myconf = rs.conf(); myconf.members[0].host = '$MONGO1:27017'; rs.reconfig(myconf,{force:true}); rs.add('$MONGO2:27017'); rs.add('$MONGO3:27017');"
# test it out!
# write new data on primary
mongo mongo1:27017/test --eval 'db.users.insert({"name":"Somebody", "city": "Raleigh"})'
# check data in secondary
mongo mongo2:27017/test --eval 'rs.slaveOk(); db.users.find().forEach(function(x){printjson(x);})'
# exit docker client container
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jewzaam commented Nov 20, 2014

Mongo needs the IP address for each node and for the primary the host needs to be set to the IP + port. Docker container hostnames are the container hash.

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shubhag commented Apr 12, 2016

I am trying to link nodejs with mongodb replica set.
If there is only one mongo container having name mongo, then
docker run -P --name web1 --link mongo:mongo server

but for mongo replica set, I am unable to get how to link it with the server

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