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Created October 4, 2012 18:48
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VIM vommands
hjkl - move around
:#,#d - deletes between two lines, eg: :10,12d deletes lines 10 through 12
x - delete character
o - insert on next line
O - insert on preceding line
a - insert after cursor
i - go into insert mode
w - move to beginning of next word (also W for whitespace delimited word)
e - move to end of word (also E for whitespace delimited words)
b - move backward to start of word (also B)
$ - move cursor to end of line
0 - move to beginning of line
p - put (can put yanked or deleted text)
f[char] - moves to that char (eg: fh moves to next h on that line - it is case sensitive)
#d[char] - moves to that char (eg: 3fl moves to the third l in the line)
F - searches like f but to the left
% - go to matching parenthesis/bracket
:18 - goes to line 18
G - go to end of file
gg - go to top of file
H - move to top of part of file you see
M - move to middle part
L - move to last line you can see
CTRL G - tells you where you are
CTRL D - move screen down
CTRL U - move screen up
zz - make current cursor position the center of the screen
zt - makes current cursor position the top of the screen
/string - searches for word string
/string + ENTER + n - find next occurrence of string
* - when placed over a word, * searches for the next occurrence of that word
'' - go back
y - yank
yy - yank whole line
4x - deletes 4 characters
dw - deletes word
4w - moves cursor over 4 words
d4w - delete 4 words
d2e - deletes up to end of 2 next words
d$ - deletes through end of line
s2l - delete 2 letters
4dd - deletes 4 lines
D - deletes to end of line (same as d$)
y2w - copy 2 words
daw - delete entire word (even if you're not at the beginning of the word)
di" or di' - delete inside of <delimiter> - eg: di)
cw - deletes word and puts you into insert mode
C - change to end of line (same as c$)
rT - replace current character with T
5rx - replaces 5 characters with x (xxxxx)
r ENTER - inserts a line break (and deletes one character)
R - replace until press ESC
v - enter visual mode
V - enter visual mode and highlight entire lines
CTRL V - enter visual mode with a block
(can perform operations on highlighted text, like delete with d)
p - put
P - put above cursor
:e! - go back to original version of doc
CTRL-] - go to documentation of word you are above
CTRL-O - go back
:help 'number' - tells you what number does in vim
:set number - adds number lines to file
:set nonumber - removes number lines
:set ruler - show cursor position
:set hlsearch - highlight all search results when search for a string
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