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Created August 14, 2019 02:12
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python script to fix signatures in a chrome profile after moving it to a new computer (macOS)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import functools
import hmac
import json
import plistlib
import subprocess
memoize_forever = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
# Analogous to GetDeterministicMachineSpecificId from,
# except we shell out to `ioreg(1)` instead of using the C API
def get_machine_id():
xml = subprocess.check_output('ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 1 -r -a'.split())
data = plistlib.loads(xml)
return data[0]['IOPlatformUUID']
# Chromium uses the empty string for a seed. Chrome proper uses a blob stored
# in the resource bundle with key IDR_PREF_HASH_SEED_BIN which is loaded from
# the non-public file resources\settings_internal\pref_hash_seed.bin. This is
# quite stupid, because the seed can trivially be extracted back out of the
# resource bundle. Note that, as of 2019-08, there is no support for rolling
# the seed, and this value appears to have been used consistently across
# various versions and platforms.
SEED = bytes.fromhex(
# port of GetDigestString from
def get_digest_string(key: bytes, message: bytes) -> str:
dgst =, msg=message, digestmod='sha256')
return dgst.hexdigest().upper()
# loose port of CopyWithoutEmptyChildren and friends from
def copy_without_empty_children(value):
if isinstance(value, list):
copy = []
for child in value:
child_copy = copy_without_empty_children(child)
if child_copy is not None:
return copy if copy else None
elif isinstance(value, dict):
copy = {}
for k, v in value.items():
v_copy = copy_without_empty_children(v)
if v_copy is not None:
copy[k] = v_copy
return copy if copy else None
elif isinstance(value, (type(None), bool, int, float, str, bytes)):
return value
raise TypeError("Can't copy_without_empty_children odd value of type %r" % (type(value),))
# port of JSONWriter (yes, Chrome rolled their own).
# Also JSONStringValueSerializer, which is a thin wrapper around it
def chrome_json_ser(value) -> bytes:
if value is None:
return 'null'.encode()
elif isinstance(value, bool):
return (('true' if value else 'false').encode())
elif isinstance(value, int):
return str(value).encode()
elif isinstance(value, float):
real = str(value) # XXX assumes python is same as chrome's NumberToString
if '.' not in real and 'e' not in real and 'E' not in real:
real = real + '.0'
elif real[0] == '.':
real = '0' + real
elif real[0] == '-' and real[0] == '.':
real = '-0' + real[1:]
return real.encode()
elif isinstance(value, str):
# XXX doesn't handle cases where str has illegal unicode
out = b'"'
for cp in value:
special = {
'\b': '\\b',
'\f': '\\f',
'\n': '\\n',
'\r': '\\r',
'\t': '\\t',
'\\': '\\\\',
'"': '\\"',
'<': '\\u003C',
'\u2028': '\\u2028',
'\u2029': '\\u2029',
}.get(cp, None)
if special is not None:
out += special.encode()
elif ord(cp) < 32:
out += ('\\u00%02x' % (ord(cp),)).encode()
out += cp.encode()
out += b'"'
return out
elif isinstance(value, list):
out = b'['
first = True
for v in value:
if not first:
out += b','
out += chrome_json_ser(v)
first = False
out += b']'
return out
elif isinstance(value, dict):
out = b'{'
first = True
for k, v in value.items():
if not first:
out += b','
out += chrome_json_ser(k)
out += b':'
out += chrome_json_ser(v)
first = False
out += b'}'
return out
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
raise TypeError("Chrome's JSON library doesn't support bytes")
raise TypeError("Can't chrome_json_ser odd value of type %r" % (type(value),))
# port of ValueAsString
def value_as_string(value) -> bytes:
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = copy_without_empty_children(value) or {}
return chrome_json_ser(value)
# port of GetMessage from
def get_message(device_id: str, path: str, value_as_bytes: bytes) -> bytes:
return device_id.encode() + path.encode() + value_as_bytes
# port of PrefHashCalculator::Calculate from
def calculate(path: str, value) -> str:
return get_digest_string(
# Traverse the in-memory representation of a 'Secure Preferences' file and
# replace all the MACs with new ones computed for the current computer.
def recompute_protection(secure_prefs_data):
# Chrome's prefs system appears to have coded-in handling for whether
# certain keys are 'ATOMIC' or 'SPLIT'. Duplicating the list here seems
# clowny, so I don't see a great way of generating the MACs based solely on
# the corresponding values. However, traversing the already-existing MACs
# and replacing them seems viable; if we assume that Chrome is the only
# thing which added keys, then it should have written MACs out in the right
# way when it added them. In terms of the implementation, I'm guessing a
# bit, but this seems to handle most (if not all) cases and there's a limit
# to how much time I want to spend reading Chrome's prefs code.
def recompute_mac_subtree(parent_keys, mac_subtree, prefs_subtree):
for k in sorted(mac_subtree.keys()):
if k not in prefs_subtree:
# AFAICT Chrome just leaves macs lying around even when the
# pref is gone. I think the right thing to do is skip them
# here-- we have no value to recompute a new mac and deleting
# them seems unnecessarily risky
if isinstance(mac_subtree[k], dict):
recompute_mac_subtree(parent_keys + [k], mac_subtree[k], prefs_subtree[k])
elif isinstance(mac_subtree[k], str):
mac_subtree[k] = calculate('.'.join(parent_keys + [k]), prefs_subtree[k])
raise TypeError('Weird thing found in protection.macs dict')
if 'protection' in secure_prefs_data:
protection = secure_prefs_data['protection']
if 'macs' in protection:
recompute_mac_subtree([], protection['macs'], secure_prefs_data)
if 'super_mac' in protection:
protection['super_mac'] = calculate('', protection['macs'])
def resign(inpath, outpath):
with open(inpath, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fp:
data = json.load(fp)
with open(outpath, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fp:
json.dump(data, fp)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Resign Chrome's 'Secure Preferences' for the current machine",
help='path to old Secure Preferences file',
help='path to write out new Secure Preferences file',
args = parser.parse_args()
resign(vars(args)['in'], args.out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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