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Created March 19, 2024 11:52
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compose color to html color
import io.ktor.util.*
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
import kotlin.test.DefaultAsserter.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.Test
class UtilsKtTest {
private val dataSet = listOf(
Color.Blue to HtmlColor(rgb = HtmlRGB(red = 0u, green = 0u, blue = 255u), rgbHex = "0000FF", alpha = 1f),
Color.Red to HtmlColor(rgb = HtmlRGB(red = 255u, green = 0u, blue = 0u), rgbHex = "FF0000", alpha = 1f),
Color.Green to HtmlColor(rgb = HtmlRGB(red = 0u, green = 255u, blue = 0u), rgbHex = "00FF00", alpha = 1f),
Color(0xFF69359C) to HtmlColor(rgb = HtmlRGB(red = 105u, green = 53u, blue = 156u), rgbHex = "69359C", alpha = 1f),
Color(0xe7d743c3) to HtmlColor(rgb = HtmlRGB(red = 215u, green = 67u, blue = 195u), rgbHex = "D743C3", alpha = 0.91f),
Color(0xe7d743c3) to HtmlColor(rgb = HtmlRGB(red = 215u, green = 67u, blue = 195u), rgbHex = "D743C3", alpha = 0.91f),
Color(0xf301e76e) to HtmlColor(rgb = HtmlRGB(red = 1u, green = 231u, blue = 110u), rgbHex = "01E76E", alpha = 0.95f),
Color(0x93e8ffdd) to HtmlColor(rgb = HtmlRGB(red = 232u, green = 255u, blue = 221u), rgbHex = "E8FFDD", alpha = 0.58f),
Color(0x38d08517) to HtmlColor(rgb = HtmlRGB(red = 208u, green = 133u, blue = 23u), rgbHex = "D08517", alpha = 0.22f),
fun testGetColorSet() {
dataSet.forEach {
val color = it.first.toHtmlColor()
message = color.toString(),
expected = it.second,
actual = color
fun Color.toHtmlColor(): HtmlColor {
val argb = toArgb().toUInt()
val a = (argb shr 24) and 0xFFu
val r = (argb shr 16) and 0xFFu
val g = (argb shr 8) and 0xFFu
val b = argb and 0xFFu
val rgb = HtmlRGB(
red = r.toUByte(),
green = g.toUByte(),
blue = b.toUByte(),
return HtmlColor(
rgbHex = rgb.toHex(),
rgb = rgb,
alpha = ((a.toFloat() / 255.0f) * 100).roundToInt() / 100f
data class HtmlColor(
val rgbHex: String,
val rgb: HtmlRGB,
val alpha: Float = 0f
data class HtmlRGB(
val red: UByte,
val green: UByte,
val blue: UByte,
fun HtmlRGB.toHex(): String {
return hex(byteArrayOf(,,
private val digits = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray()
* Encode bytes to HEX string.
* Copyright 2014-2021 JetBrains s.r.o and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
fun hex(bytes: ByteArray): String {
val result = CharArray(bytes.size * 2)
var resultIndex = 0
val digits = digits
for (index in 0 until bytes.size) {
val b = bytes[index].toInt() and 0xff
result[resultIndex++] = digits[b shr 4]
result[resultIndex++] = digits[b and 0x0f]
return result.concatToString()
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