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Created April 3, 2020 01:18
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d3 - Migration from v3 to v5 - forceSimulation - Adding New [data+element]s - Minimal Example
license: gpl-3.0
height: 800
scrolling: no
border: yes
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1><code>d3.js</code>, Version 3, Force Layout primer - how should this be converted to Version 5?</h1>
<h2>For study purposes only</h2>
<li>Cleaned up an example from :</li>
<li>Cleaned up example uses d3 version 3.</li>
<li>Original example license : none</li>
<li>Original example uses d3 version 3.</li>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="../../../third-party/live.js"></script>
'use strict'
let p = thing => JSON.stringify ( thing, null, 2 )
let width = 500,
height = 500
let dataArray = [ {} ]
let simulation = d3.layout.force ()
.size ([width, height])
.nodes ( dataArray ) // initialize with a single node
.charge (-500)
.on ( 'tick', tickHandler)
/* Necessary, but insufficient replacement:
let simulation = d3.forceSimulation ( dataArray )
.force ( 'charge', d3.forceManyBody ().strength ( -1000 ) )
.force ( 'x', d3.forceX () )
.force ( 'y', d3.forceY () )
.alphaTarget ( 1 )
.on ( 'tick', tickHandler )
let svg = ( 'body' ).append ( 'svg' )
.attr ( 'width', width )
.attr ( 'height', height )
.attr ( 'style', 'background-color:#eee' )
.on ( 'mousedown', mousedownCanvas)
let circles = svg.selectAll ( 'circle' )
function tickHandler () {
circles .attr ( 'cx', function (d) { return d.x } )
.attr ( 'cy', function (d) { return d.y } )
function restart () {
circles = ( dataArray )
circles.enter ().insert ( 'circle').attr ( 'r', 5 )
circles.exit ().remove ()
simulation.start ()
restart ()
function mousedownCanvas () {
let point = d3.mouse (this),
node = { x: point[0], y: point[1] }
dataArray.push (node)
restart ()
function addNode () {
dataArray.push ( {
x: width / 2 + Math.random() * 150,
y: height / 2 + Math.random() * 150
} )
setTimeout ( addNode, 1000 )
setTimeout ( addNode, 2000 )
setTimeout ( addNode, 3000 )
setTimeout ( addNode, 4000 )
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