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F# all day

Jeremy Abbott jeremyabbott

F# all day
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davidfowl /
Last active August 7, 2024 19:41
.NET 6 ASP.NET Core Migration
ninjarobot /
Last active December 13, 2019 23:44
Azure Alerts to Slack with F# and azurts!

Azure Alerts to Slack with F#

If you have applications in Azure, there is a good chance you're making use of Azure Monitor with Application Insights or Log Analytics. These can provide useful diagnostic information, healthchecks, and alerting for VM's, serverless function apps, containers, and other services. The alerts can send email and call webhooks, but for the most flexibility, delivering them to an Azure Function allows for robust processing with custom F# code. With the azurts library, this can be used to filter alerts based on content and deliver them to different Slack channels.

Azure to Slack

Composing a Webhook

Azurts uses a "railway oriented programming" technique that is popular in several F# libraries to compose a series of ho

enricofoltran / main.go
Last active August 21, 2024 04:40
A simple golang web server with basic logging, tracing, health check, graceful shutdown and zero dependencies
package main
import (
haf / A vision for
Last active March 27, 2018 00:46
A vision for F#

What should F# as a language contain?

  • A default test framework like Expecto
  • A default HTTP client like HTTP.fs
  • A default web framework like Suave
  • A default JS framework like Fable
  • A default logging framework like Logary
  • A default character parser combinator library like FParsec
  • A default binary parser combinator library like FsAttoparsec
  • A default concurrent programming framework like Hopac
a4099181 / Convert-ToPackageReference.ps1
Last active February 18, 2021 07:00
Converts packages.config into PackageReference at *.csproj project file. Requires XSLT stylesheet available as second file in the gist.
Function Convert-ToPackageReference
Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline )][String] $inputUri,
[String] $stylesheetUri = "",
[String] $resultsFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() )
Process {
$xslt = New-Object System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform
$xslt.Load( $stylesheetUri )
$xslt.Transform( $inputUri, $resultsFile )
swlaschin /
Last active July 10, 2017 11:04
Functional Track talks from NDC London 2017

Functional Track talks from NDC London 2017

Also, here is the list of all videos from NDC London 2017:

Wednesday 2017-01-18

#r @"..\packages\FSharp.Data\lib\net40\FSharp.Data.dll"
open FSharp.Data
let OverviewUrl = @""
type Page = HtmlProvider<OverviewUrl>
mathias-brandewinder /
Last active May 4, 2016 13:15
F# Code Golf, round 1


Round 1: 45 minutes.

  • Smallest total score wins
  • Shortest solution for each problem gets 0 points, others score the difference from the best
  • 5 points bonus for each working tweeted solution on @fsibot

Show & Tell

Round 2: 30 minutes

open System
open System.Net
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.WebExtensions
// *********************************
// Pipes vs. Composition
// *********************************
// Pipe operator
let sum =
TheAngryByrd / build.fsx
Last active September 18, 2016 01:52
Visual Studio Code mono debugging launch.json
let startApp path =
let info = ProcessStartInfo(FileName = path)
let proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(StartInfo = info)
start proc