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Created June 19, 2020 09:13
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package wechat
// See doc at
import (
// WxWorkRobotMessageAPI is the api to send the robot messages
const WxWorkRobotMessageAPI = ""
// WxWorkRobotUploadFileAPI is the api to upload file
const WxWorkRobotUploadFileAPI = ""
// WxWorkRobotTimeout is the wxwork robot default timeout
const WxWorkRobotTimeout = time.Second * 30
const WxWorkRobotStatusOK = 0
const (
WxMessageTypeText = "text"
WxMessageTypeMarkdown = "markdown"
WxMessageTypeImage = "image"
WxMessageTypeNews = "news"
WxMessageTypeFile = "file"
type WxTextMessage struct {
MessageType string `json:"msgtype"`
MessageBody WxTextMessageBody `json:"text"`
type WxTextMessageBody struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
MentionedList []string `json:"mentioned_list,omitempty"`
MentionedMobileList []string `json:"mentioned_mobile_list,omitempty"`
type WxMarkdownMessageBody WxTextMessageBody
type WxMarkdownMessage struct {
MessageType string `json:"msgtype"`
MessageBody WxMarkdownMessageBody `json:"markdown"`
type WxImageMessage struct {
MessageType string `json:"msgtype"`
MessageBody WxImageMessageBody `json:"image"`
type WxImageMessageBody struct {
Base64 string `json:"base64"`
MD5 string `json:"md5"`
type WxNewsMessage struct {
MessageType string `json:"msgtype"`
MessageBody WxNewsMessageBody `json:"news"`
type WxNewsMessageBody struct {
Articles []WxNewsMessageArticle `json:"articles"`
type WxNewsMessageArticle struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Description string `json:"description"`
URL string `json:"url"`
PictureURL string `json:"picurl"`
type WxFileMessage struct {
MessageType string `json:"msgtype"`
MessageBody WxFileMessageBody `json:"file"`
type WxFileMessageBody struct {
MediaID string `json:"media_id"`
// WxWorkRobot is a robot to send wxwork messages
type WxWorkRobot struct {
key string
client *http.Client
type WxMessageResp struct {
ErrCode int `json:"errcode"`
ErrMessage string `json:"errmsg"`
type WxUploadFileResp struct {
ErrCode int `json:"errcode"`
ErrMessage string `json:"errmsg"`
Type string `json:"type"`
MediaID string `json:"media_id"`
CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
// NewWxWorkRobot create a new wxwork robot
func NewWxWorkRobot(key string) *WxWorkRobot {
return NewWxWorkRobotWithTimeout(key, WxWorkRobotTimeout)
// NewWxWorkRobotWithTimeout create a new wxwork robot with timeout
func NewWxWorkRobotWithTimeout(key string, timeout time.Duration) *WxWorkRobot {
client := http.Client{}
client.Timeout = timeout
return &WxWorkRobot{key: key, client: &client}
// SendTextMessage send the text message
func (r *WxWorkRobot) SendTextMessage(text string) (err error) {
textMessage := WxTextMessage{
MessageType: WxMessageTypeText,
MessageBody: WxTextMessageBody{
Content: text,
return r.sendMessage(&textMessage)
// SendTextMessage send the text message with specified mentioned users
func (r *WxWorkRobot) SendTextMessageWithMention(content string, mentionedList []string, mentionedMobileList []string) (err error) {
textMessage := WxTextMessage{
MessageType: WxMessageTypeText,
MessageBody: WxTextMessageBody{
Content: content,
MentionedList: mentionedList,
MentionedMobileList: mentionedMobileList,
return r.sendMessage(&textMessage)
// SendMarkdownMessage send the markdown message
func (r *WxWorkRobot) SendMarkdownMessage(content string) (err error) {
markdownMessage := WxMarkdownMessage{
MessageType: WxMessageTypeMarkdown,
MessageBody: WxMarkdownMessageBody{
Content: content,
return r.sendMessage(&markdownMessage)
// SendMarkdownMessageWithMention send the markdown message with specified mentioned users
func (r *WxWorkRobot) SendMarkdownMessageWithMention(content string, mentionedList []string, mentionedMobileList []string) (err error) {
markdownMessage := WxMarkdownMessage{
MessageType: WxMessageTypeMarkdown,
MessageBody: WxMarkdownMessageBody{
Content: content,
MentionedList: mentionedList,
MentionedMobileList: mentionedMobileList,
return r.sendMessage(&markdownMessage)
// SendImageMessage send the markdown message
func (r *WxWorkRobot) SendImageMessage(imageData []byte) (err error) {
imageHash := md5.Sum(imageData)
imageMessage := WxImageMessage{
MessageType: WxMessageTypeImage,
MessageBody: WxImageMessageBody{
Base64: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(imageData),
MD5: fmt.Sprintf("%x", imageHash),
return r.sendMessage(&imageMessage)
// SendNewsMessage send the news message
func (r *WxWorkRobot) SendNewsMessage(articles []WxNewsMessageArticle) (err error) {
newsMessage := WxNewsMessage{
MessageType: WxMessageTypeNews,
MessageBody: WxNewsMessageBody{
Articles: articles,
return r.sendMessage(&newsMessage)
// SendFileMessage send the file message
func (r *WxWorkRobot) SendFileMessage(mediaID string) (err error) {
fileMessage := WxFileMessage{
MessageType: WxMessageTypeFile,
MessageBody: WxFileMessageBody{
MediaID: mediaID,
return r.sendMessage(&fileMessage)
func (r *WxWorkRobot) sendMessage(messageObj interface{}) (err error) {
reqURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s?key=%s", WxWorkRobotMessageAPI, r.key)
reqBody, _ := json.Marshal(messageObj)
req, newErr := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, reqURL, bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
if newErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("create request error, %s", newErr.Error())
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
resp, getErr := r.client.Do(req)
if getErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("get response error, %s", getErr.Error())
defer resp.Body.Close()
// check http code
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
err = fmt.Errorf("wxwork request error, %s", resp.Status)
// parse response body
decoder := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
var wxMessageResp WxMessageResp
if decodeErr := decoder.Decode(&wxMessageResp); decodeErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("parse response error, %s", decodeErr.Error())
if wxMessageResp.ErrCode != WxWorkRobotStatusOK {
err = fmt.Errorf("call wxwork api error, %d %s", wxMessageResp.ErrCode, wxMessageResp.ErrMessage)
// UploadFile upload the media file
func (r *WxWorkRobot) UploadFile(fileBody []byte, fileName string) (mediaID string, createdAt int64, err error) {
respBodyBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
multipartWriter := multipart.NewWriter(respBodyBuffer)
// add form data
formFileWriter, createErr := multipartWriter.CreateFormFile("media", fileName)
if createErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("create form file error, %s", createErr.Error())
if _, writeErr := formFileWriter.Write(fileBody); writeErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("write form file error, %s", writeErr.Error())
if closeErr := multipartWriter.Close(); closeErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("close form file error, %s", closeErr.Error())
reqURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s?key=%s&type=%s", WxWorkRobotUploadFileAPI, r.key, WxMessageTypeFile)
req, newErr := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, reqURL, respBodyBuffer)
if newErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("create request error, %s", newErr.Error())
// set multi-part header
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", multipartWriter.FormDataContentType())
resp, getErr := r.client.Do(req)
if getErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("get response error, %s", getErr.Error())
defer resp.Body.Close()
// check http code
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
err = fmt.Errorf("wxwork request error, %s", resp.Status)
// parse response body
decoder := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
var wxUploadFileResp WxUploadFileResp
if decodeErr := decoder.Decode(&wxUploadFileResp); decodeErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("parse response error, %s", decodeErr.Error())
if wxUploadFileResp.ErrCode != WxWorkRobotStatusOK {
err = fmt.Errorf("call wxwork api error, %d %s", wxUploadFileResp.ErrCode, wxUploadFileResp.ErrMessage)
// set fields
mediaID = wxUploadFileResp.MediaID
createdAt, _ = strconv.ParseInt(wxUploadFileResp.CreatedAt, 10, 64)
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