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Last active April 29, 2019 01:46
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//Inspired by
//Thread safe, Lazy based wrapper for IMemoryCache. Supports multiple IMemoryCache instances
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
/// <summary>
/// Thread safe version of GetOrCreate(Async) using Lazy<T>
/// </summary>
public static class LazyCacheExtensions
private class LazySlimAsync<T,W> : Lazy<Task<T>>
public LazySlimAsync(W key, Func<W, Task<T>> factory) :
base(async () => await factory(key).ConfigureAwait(false)) { }
public TaskAwaiter<T> GetAwaiter() => Value.GetAwaiter();
public T Result => Value.Result;
public static implicit operator Task<T>(LazySlimAsync<T,W> @this) => @this.Value;
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<ValueTuple<object, IMemoryCache>, LazySlimAsync<object,ICacheEntry>> Tasks =
new ConcurrentDictionary<ValueTuple<object, IMemoryCache>, LazySlimAsync<object,ICacheEntry>>();
public static TItem GetOrCreateLazy<TItem>(this IMemoryCache cache, object key, Func<ICacheEntry, TItem> factoryMethod)
return cache.GetOrCreateLazyAsync(key, (a) => Task.FromResult(factoryMethod(a))).Result;
public static async Task<TItem> GetOrCreateLazyAsync<TItem>(this IMemoryCache cache, object key, Func<ICacheEntry, Task<TItem>> factoryMethod)
if (!cache.TryGetValue(key, out object result))
var asyncLazy = Tasks.GetOrAdd((key, cache), (k) =>
return new LazySlimAsync<object,ICacheEntry>(cache.CreateEntry(k.Item1), async (kk) =>
object res = null;
if(!cache.TryGetValue(key, out res))
kk.SetValue(res = await factoryMethod(kk)).Dispose();
Tasks.TryRemove(k, out LazySlimAsync<object,ICacheEntry> oldAsync);
return res;
return (TItem)await asyncLazy;
return (TItem)result;
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