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Created April 15, 2016 17:57
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snippets for elixir continuous delivery pipeline
cmd = [
'-t deb',
'-s dir',
'-d postgresql',
'-m ' + config[:maintainer],
"-n '#{config[:product]}'",
"--prefix /opt/puppet/#{config[:product]}",
'-v ' + deb_version,
"--deb-init #{config[:product]}.init",
"--config-files /opt/puppet/#{config[:product]}/#{config[:product]}.conf",
package {'my_app':
ensure => latest,
configfiles => replace,
file {'/opt/puppet/my_app/my_app.conf':
ensure => file,
content => template('profile/my_app/my_app.conf.erb'),
mode => '0600',
subscribe => Package['my_app'],
notify => Service['my_app'],
file {'/opt/puppet/my_app/running-config':
ensure => directory,
recurse => true,
mode => '0600',
subscribe => Package['my_app'],
notify => Service['my_app'],
service {'my_app':
ensure => running,
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