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Jeff McJunkin jeffmcjunkin

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ZephrFish / 14_RTX_4090_v6.2.6.Benchmark.txt
Last active April 17, 2024 15:31
Hashcat v6.2.6 benchmark on 14x Nvidia RTX 4090
Benchmark is from an AI Cloud Rig:
hashcat (v6.2.6) starting in benchmark mode
Benchmarking uses hand-optimized kernel code by default.
You can use it in your cracking session by setting the -O option.
Note: Using optimized kernel code limits the maximum supported password length.
To disable the optimized kernel code in benchmark mode, use the -w option.
nullenc0de /
Created February 16, 2024 16:49
Looks up IP addresses to companies and blocks them via IP tables.
apt install golang -y
go install
Scoubi /
Last active February 7, 2024 18:34
Cross Compile Rust Banaries from Mac OSX (M1)
  1. brew install SergioBenitez/osxct/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  2. brew install x86_64-linux-gnu-binutils
  3. rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  4. Edit ~/.cargo/config and add
linker = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc"
  1. source ~/.cargo/config
  2. Edit Cargo.toml and include OpenSSL crate dependency This is the part missing from many how-to
testanull /
Created December 15, 2023 07:31
SharePoint Pre-Auth Code Injection RCE chain CVE-2023-29357 & CVE-2023-24955 PoC
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import hashlib
import base64
import requests, string, struct, uuid, random, re
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from sys import version
from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
# too lazy to deal with string <-> bytes confusion in python3 so forget it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
levelsio / gist:5bc87fd1b1ffbf4a705047bebd9b4790
Last active September 16, 2024 12:14
Secret of Monkey Island: Amsterdam (by @levelsio) or how to create your own ChatGPT image+text-based adventure game
# 2023-11-27 MIT LICENSE
Here's the open source version of my ChatGPT game
It's an unofficial image+text-based adventure game edition of Monkey Island in Amsterdam, my home town.
Please use it however you want. It'd be nice to see more ChatGPT-based games appear from this. If you get inspired by it, please link back to my X or this Gist so more people can do the same!
Send me your ChatGPT text adventure game on X, I'd love to try it!
nullenc0de /
Created September 24, 2023 13:18
h8mail -t "$1" -q domain -c ./h8mail_config.ini --skip -o /tmp/"$1".h8mail.csv && cat /tmp/"$1".h8mail.csv |grep "$1": |cut -d "-" -f2|tr -d ' ' |grep "$1" |sort -u
import subprocess
import argparse
# Define the command to run Nuclei
nuclei_command = "nuclei -silent -t credential-stuffing/cloud -var username={} -var password={}"
# Create a command-line argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Credential Stuffing Scanner')
# Add an argument for specifying the creds.txt file
kj800x / Hacking the LG Monitor's
Last active September 12, 2024 23:46
Hacking the LG Monitor's EDID

preface: Posting these online since it sounds like these notes are somewhat interesting based on a few folks I've shared with. These are semi-rough notes that I basically wrote for myself in case I ever needed to revisit this fix, so keep that in mind.

I recently bought an LG ULTRAGEAR monitor secondhand off of a coworker. I really love it and it's been great so far, but I ran into some minor issues with it in Linux. It works great on both Mac and Windows, but on Linux it displays just a black panel until I use the second monitor to go in and reduce the refresh rate down to 60 Hz.

This has worked decent so far but there's some issues:

  • It doesn't work while linux is booting up. The motherboards boot sequence is visible just fine, but as soon as control is handed over to Linux and I'd normally see a splash screen while I'm waiting for my login window, I see nothing.
  • It doesn't work on the login screen. This would be fine if login consistently worked on my second screen, but I need to manually switch
veekaybee /
Last active September 21, 2024 01:06
Normcore LLM Reads

Anti-hype LLM reading list

Goals: Add links that are reasonable and good explanations of how stuff works. No hype and no vendor content if possible. Practical first-hand accounts of models in prod eagerly sought.

Foundational Concepts

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 10 40 27 PM

Pre-Transformer Models

singe /
Created April 17, 2023 11:16
Generate a list of hashcat masks from a wordlist
# hashcat mask generator
# by @singe
monoxgas / urbandoor.cs
Created April 10, 2023 22:58
Minimal PoC code for Kerberos Unlock LPE (CVE-2023-21817)
using NtApiDotNet;
using NtApiDotNet.Ndr.Marshal;
using NtApiDotNet.Win32;
using NtApiDotNet.Win32.Rpc.Transport;
using NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Authentication;
using NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Authentication.Kerberos;
using NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Authentication.Kerberos.Client;
using NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Authentication.Kerberos.Server;
using NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Authentication.Logon;
using System;