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Empire REST response for `curl --insecure -i https://localhost:1337/api/listeners/options?token=$TOKEN`
"listeneroptions": [
"CertPath": {
"Description": "Certificate path for https listeners.",
"Required": false,
"Value": ""
"DefaultDelay": {
"Description": "Agent delay/reach back interval (in seconds).",
"Required": true,
"Value": 5
"DefaultJitter": {
"Description": "Jitter in agent reachback interval (0.0-1.0).",
"Required": true,
"Value": 0.0
"DefaultLostLimit": {
"Description": "Number of missed checkins before exiting",
"Required": true,
"Value": 60
"DefaultProfile": {
"Description": "Default communication profile for the agent.",
"Required": true,
"Value": "/admin/get.php,/news.asp,/login/process.jsp|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"
"Host": {
"Description": "Hostname/IP for staging.",
"Required": true,
"Value": "http://:8080"
"KillDate": {
"Description": "Date for the listener to exit (MM/dd/yyyy).",
"Required": false,
"Value": ""
"Name": {
"Description": "Listener name.",
"Required": true,
"Value": "test"
"Port": {
"Description": "Port for the listener.",
"Required": true,
"Value": "8080"
"RedirectTarget": {
"Description": "Listener target to redirect to for pivot/hop.",
"Required": false,
"Value": ""
"StagingKey": {
"Description": "Staging key for initial agent negotiation.",
"Required": true,
"Value": "62220ccff555c4870974fa7f91cf4319"
"Type": {
"Description": "Listener type (native, pivot, hop, foreign, meter).",
"Required": true,
"Value": "native"
"WorkingHours": {
"Description": "Hours for the agent to operate (09:00-17:00).",
"Required": false,
"Value": ""
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