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Step One: Watch Mary Rose Cook Live Codes Space Invaders from Front-Trends. (The second worst conference name ever?)

Step Two: Fork this gist.

Step Three: Respond to this question in your fork: What is one approach you can take from this Mary's code and implement in your project?

  • I actually had watched this prior to starting our project. It lead me to try to be hyper organized and structured with our project and until I got passed that and let myself write gross code first. I did, however, take the keyboard tracker concept from her game and implement it in ours (where it maintains a hash updating true/false values for the keyCode keys. We built more on top of it limiting which keys were recorded and implementing it over

Step Four: Totally Optional: take a look at some of the other forks and comment if the spirit moves you.

jecrockett / require.markdown
Last active April 5, 2016 14:46 — forked from rrgayhart/require.markdown
The Concept of Require

When you start working with WebPack for GameTime, you'll notice that you can't just define a variable in one file and find it in another as easily as you can in Rails.

Read Node.js, Require and Exports and Organize Your Code with RequireJS

Fork this gist and answer the following questions:

In the context of Node, what is a module?
  • Modules are small chunks of your application that serve a specific purpose (cite: 2nd article). It's basically a group of functions/variables that are related and belong in their own separate file. I think of it like a class but I don't know if that's technically the right way to think of it.

JavaScript Functions

I can explain the difference between function declarations and function expressions.

  • Well, at least one of them. Function declarations are hoisted, but with variables only the declaration (NOT the definition) is hoisted, so the variable still isn't defined until the code gets there.

I can explain what the value of this is in a normal function.

  • global object

I can explain what the value of this is when called from the context of an object.

  • it's the object.
jecrockett / package-management.markdown
Created March 24, 2016 21:27 — forked from rrgayhart/package-management.markdown
The Dangers of Using Code You Don't Control
jecrockett / cfu_crud_in_sinatra.markdown
Last active December 2, 2015 16:12 — forked from rwarbelow/cfu_crud_in_sinatra.markdown
CRUD in Sinatra -- Check for Understanding
  1. Define CRUD.
    • Create, Read, Update, Delete
  2. There are seven verb + path combinations that are necessary in a basic Sinatra app in order to provide full CRUD functionality. List each of the seven combinations, and explain what each is for.
    • get '/' --> Serves as the index/list of "things"
    • get '/new' --> Renders form used to create new "thing"
    • post '/' --> Creates thing and redirects to "get '/'"
    • get '/:id' --> Renders view of individual "thing"
    • get '/:id/edit' --> Renders view of form to edit "thing"
    • put '/:id' --> Updates "thing" and redirects to "get '/:id'"
    • delete '/:id' --> Deletes "thing" and redirects to "get '/'"