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Jean Pimentel jeanpimentel

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danielrw7 / replify
Last active October 24, 2023 12:03
replify - Create a REPL for any command
printf "Initialized REPL for `%s`\n" "$command"
printf "%s> " "$command"
read -r input
while [ "$input" != "" ];
eval "$command $input"
printf "%s> " "$command"
kpob / extensions_ActivityExtensions.kt
Last active November 27, 2019 02:34
Kotlin extension functions
package pl.kpob.utils.extensions
import android.content.Context
import android.view.WindowManager
import flow.Flow
import org.jetbrains.anko.AlertDialogBuilder
import pl.sisms.gminformix.utils.extensions.supportsLollipop
dimrsilva /
Last active February 12, 2016 11:25
Change iOS resource files to Android resource files
for f in *.png
nf=$(echo $f | perl -pe 's/-/_/g' | perl -pe 's/@[0-9,]+x//')
if [[ $f =~ @1x\.png$ ]]
echo "Move file $f to drawable-mdpi/$nf"
mkdir drawable-mdpi
dashed / github-pandoc.css
Created September 26, 2013 13:42
GitHub-like CSS for pandoc standalone HTML files (perfect for HTML5 output). Based on's GitHub CSS. Added normalize.css (v2.1.3) in the prior to GitHub css.
/*! normalize.css v2.1.3 | MIT License | */
/* ==========================================================================
HTML5 display definitions
========================================================================== */
* Correct `block` display not defined in IE 8/9.
hubgit /
Last active September 19, 2024 10:15
Remove metadata from a PDF file, using exiftool and qpdf. Note that embedded objects may still contain metadata.

Anonymising PDFs

PDF metadata

Metadata in PDF files can be stored in at least two places:

  • the Info Dictionary, a limited set of key/value pairs
  • XMP packets, which contain RDF statements expressed as XML

PDF files

JakeWharton /
Last active March 25, 2024 13:54
`classes.dex` method count helpers. Requires smali/baksmali from and dexdump from the build-tools in the Android SDK be on your PATH.
function dex-method-count() {
cat $1 | head -c 92 | tail -c 4 | hexdump -e '1/4 "%d\n"'
function dex-method-count-by-package() {
dir=$(mktemp -d -t dex)
baksmali $1 -o $dir
for pkg in `find $dir/* -type d`; do
smali $pkg -o $pkg/classes.dex
count=$(dex-method-count $pkg/classes.dex)
name=$(echo ${pkg:(${#dir} + 1)} | tr '/' '.')
klange /
Last active August 22, 2024 14:20
It's a résumé, as a readable and compilable C source file. Since Hacker News got here, this has been updated to be most of my actual résumé. This isn't a serious document, just a concept to annoy people who talk about recruiting and the formats they accept résumés in. It's also relatively representative of my coding style.

Since this is on Hacker News and reddit...

  • No, I don't distribute my résumé like this. A friend of mine made a joke about me being the kind of person who would do this, so I did (the link on that page was added later). My actual résumé is a good bit crazier.
  • I apologize for the use of _t in my types. I spend a lot of time at a level where I can do that; "reserved for system libraries? I am the system libraries".
  • Since people kept complaining, I've fixed the assignments of string literals to non-const char *s.
  • My use of type * name, however, is entirely intentional.
  • If you're using an older compiler, you might have trouble with the anonymous unions and the designated initializers - I think gcc 4.4 requires some extra braces to get them working together. Anything reasonably recent should work fine. Clang and gcc (newer than 4.4, at le
// http client making a request to github api
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$client = new React\Http\Client($loop);
$request = $client->request('GET', '');
hellerbarde / latency.markdown
Created May 31, 2012 13:16 — forked from jboner/latency.txt
Latency numbers every programmer should know

Latency numbers every programmer should know

L1 cache reference ......................... 0.5 ns
Branch mispredict ............................ 5 ns
L2 cache reference ........................... 7 ns
Mutex lock/unlock ........................... 25 ns
Main memory reference ...................... 100 ns             
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy ............. 3,000 ns  =   3 µs
Send 2K bytes over 1 Gbps network ....... 20,000 ns  =  20 µs
SSD random read ........................ 150,000 ns  = 150 µs

Read 1 MB sequentially from memory ..... 250,000 ns = 250 µs

alganet / transform.php
Created May 20, 2012 15:15
Respect\Transform transforms data friendly to the web
use Respect\Transform\Transformer as t;
$users = array(
array("id" => 1, "first_name" => "Alexandre", "last_name" => "Silva", "location" => "São Paulo"),
array("id" => 2, "first_name" => "Satoshi", "last_name" => "Silva", "location" => "Curitiba"),
array("id" => 3, "first_name" => "Fulano", "last_name" => "Silva", "location" => "New York")