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Created April 10, 2013 20:00
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Perl: trimErroneousCharactersAtEnds
# subroutine to trim off the white space, carriage returns, pipes, and commas from both ends of each string or array
sub trimErroneousCharactersAtEnds {
my $guy = shift;
return if !defined $guy;
my $type = (ref(\$guy) eq 'REF') ? ref($guy) : ref(\$guy);
if ( $type eq 'ARRAY') { # Reference to an array
foreach(@{$guy}) { #for each element in @{$guy}
s/[\s+|\r+|\015\012+|\012+|\n+|,+]$//g; #replace one or more spaces at the end of it with nothing (deleting them)
s/^[\s+|\r+|\015\012+|\012+|\n+|,+]//g; #replace one or more spaces at the beginning of it with nothing (deleting them)
elsif ( $type eq 'SCALAR' ) { # Reference to a scalar
$guy=~ s/\s+$//g;
$guy=~ s/\r+$//g;
$guy=~ s/\n+$//g;
$guy=~ s/\012+$//g;
$guy=~ s/\015\012+$//g;
$guy=~ s/,+$//g;
$guy=~ s/^\s+//g;
$guy=~ s/^\r+//g;
$guy=~ s/^\n+//g;
$guy=~ s/^\012+//g;
$guy=~ s/^\015\012+//g;
$guy=~ s/^,+//g;
return $guy;
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