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Created April 15, 2020 01:38
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Scatterplot of DEX against WFH for MSAs
clear all
import delimited using "", clear
drop if substr(area_name,-4,4)==", PR" //Drop Puerto Rico
clonevar cbsa = area
recode cbsa (70900=12700) (71650=14460) (78100=44140) (79600 = 49340) (70750 = 12620) (71950 = 14860) (72400 = 15540) (73450 = 25540) (94650=30340) (75700 = 35300) (76450 = 35980) (76750 = 38860) (77200 = 39300) (76600=38340) //Recode NECTAs to work with CBSA 2013 definitions
tempfile tf_msa_wfh
label variable teleworkable_emp "Share of jobs that can be done at home"
save `tf_msa_wfh'
import excel cbsa = A fips_st = J fips_co = K cbsa_name = D county_name = H metro = E using "", clear cellrange(A4)
drop if missing(fips_st)==1 & missing(fips_co)==1
drop if fips_st=="72"
keep if metro=="Metropolitan Statistical Area"
gen fips = fips_st + fips_co
destring cbsa fips, replace
order fips county_name cbsa cbsa_name
keep fips county_name cbsa cbsa_name
tempfile tf_county_msa
save `tf_county_msa'
assert _N==1167 //Only 1167 counties assigned to MSAs by this file
import delimited using "", clear
gen date_stata = date(date,"YMD")
format %td date_stata
clonevar fips = county
keep if inlist(date_stata,date("2020-02-14","YMD"),date("2020-03-27","YMD"))
merge m:1 fips using `tf_county_msa', keep(match) nogen
collapse (mean) dex (first) cbsa_name [w=num_devices], by(cbsa date_stata)
reshape wide dex, i(cbsa) j(date_stata)
gen DEX_lockdown = dex22001/ dex21959
label variable DEX_lockdown "Device exposure on March 27 as share of Feb 14"
merge 1:1 cbsa using `tf_msa_wfh'
regress DEX_lockdown teleworkable_emp
predict residual, residual
replace residual = abs(residual)
summarize residual, d
gen byte outlier = inrange(residual,`r(p90)',.)==1
twoway (scatter DEX_lockdown teleworkable_emp, msym(X) mcol(black)) (lfit DEX_lockdown teleworkable_emp, lcol(red) lstyle(dash)) ///
(scatter DEX_lockdown teleworkable_emp if outlier==1, msym(X) mcol(black) mlab(cbsa_name) mlabcol(gray) mlabsize(tiny)) ///
, graphregion(color(white)) legend(off) ytitle("Device exposure on March 27 as share of Feb 14 exposure") name(DEX_WFH_scatter_long_outliers, replace) ///
note("Device exposure index from Couture, Dingel, Green, Handbury, and Williams (2020)" "Work-at-home measure from Dingel and Neiman (2020)")
graph export "../output/DEX_WFH_scatter_long_labels.png", replace
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