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Created January 25, 2019 00:57
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Shell script to rename AEA journal article PDFs
#This script searches the Downloads folder for AEA journal articles and renames them in "Author - Title (journal Year)" format.
#On Mac OS X, you can't use \| in a basic regular expression, which is what "find" uses by default.
cd ~/Downloads
articles=$(find . -name "[ajmp][aeipo][clpr].[0-9]*.pdf" | sed 's/^.\//\ /' | sed 's/.pdf//' | tr -d '\n')
echo "$articles"
for article in $articles
curl "$article&args%5Btype%5D=ris" > temp.txt
authors=$(grep 'AU' temp.txt | sed 's/^AU - \([A-Za-zÀ-ÿş]*,\ \).*$/\1/' | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/,\ $//')
title=$(grep 'T1' temp.txt | sed 's/^T1 - //' | sed 's/:/ -/' | sed 's/.$//')
journal=$(echo $article | sed 's/^\([a-z]*\)\..*/\1/' | sed 's/aer/AER/' | sed 's/jel/JEL/' | sed 's/jep/JEP/' | sed 's/app/AEJA/' | sed 's/pol/AEJEP/' | sed 's/mic/AEJ Micro/' | sed 's/mac/AEJ Macro/')
year=$(grep 'PY' temp.txt | awk -F- '{print $2}' | sed 's/.$//')
newname="$authors - $title ($journal$year).pdf"
if [ "$(echo $newname | wc -c)" -ge 15 ]; then mv $article.pdf "$newname" ; fi
rm temp.txt
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