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Created October 17, 2014 14:00
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Python wrapper for budgeted svm toolbox
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
import subprocess
class BudgetSVMToolbox:
Wrapper around the budgetsvm library as provided by the its authors.
Requires two executables, budgetsvm-train and budgetsvm-predict.
def __init__(self, budgeted_svm_bin_path, epochs=1, algorithm=4,
kernel_type=0, L=0.0001, budget=100, budget_strategy=1, gamma=-1,
degree=-1, slope=2., intercept=1., bias=False, z=50000, verbose=True,
budgeted_svm_bin_path: path to the executables of budgeted svm toolbox
(budgetedsvm-train, budgetedsvm-predict). Must be compiled manually.
epochs: maximum number of epochs
algorithm: 0 - pegasos
1 - AMM batch
2 - AMM online
4 - BSGD
L: regularization parameter for SVM updates (lambda)
gamma: kernel width for RBF (used for BSGD and LLSVM only)
budget: budget, maximum number of support vectors (BSGD) or
landmark points (LLSVM)
budget_strategy: BSGD: 0-removal, 1-merging, LLVSM:0-random,
1-kmeans, 2-kmedoids
output_folder: intermediate folder in which to save prediction files.
other/missing parameters: see budgeted svm toolbox.
self.epochs = epochs
self.algorithm = algorithm
self.L = L
self.budget = budget
self.budget_strategy = budget_strategy
self.kernel_type = kernel_type
self.gamma = gamma = degree
self.slope = slope
self.intercept = intercept
self.bias = bias
self.z = z
#set budgeted-svm to verbose if we are in verbose mode.
self.v = verbose
self.output_folder = output_folder
os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
self.exec_path = os.path.join(budgeted_svm_bin_path)
def train(self, datafile, d):
Requires filenames instead of pre-loaded datasets.
datafile: name of datafile, svmlight format.
d: dimensionality of data in datafile
self.model_file = os.path.join(self.output_folder, 'bsgd_model')
self.prediction_file = os.path.join(self.output_folder, 'predictions')
#Prepare a bunch of options to give to budgeted svm toolbox.
options = ' -e {} -A {} -L {} -B {} -m {} -K {} -z {} -v {}'.format(
self.epochs, self.algorithm, self.L,
self.budget, self.budget_strategy, self.kernel_type,
self.z, self.v)
if self.kernel_type == 0 or self.kernel_type == 1:
if self.gamma == -1:
self.gamma = 1 / d
options += ' -g {}'.format(self.gamma)
if self.kernel_type == 2:
options += ' -d {}'.format(
if self.kernel_type == 4:
options += ' -d {}'.format(self.slope)
if self.kernel_type in [2, 4]:
options += ' -i {}'.format(self.intercept)
cmd = self.exec_path + 'budgetedsvm-train' + options + ' ' + datafile +\
' ' + self.model_file
cmd = cmd.split(' ')
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
output, error = process.communicate()
output = output.decode()
error = error.decode()
if len(error) > 0:
raise Exception(error)
def test(self, data, prediction_file=None):
if prediction_file != None:
p_file = prediction_file
p_file = self.prediction_file
#always verbose otherwise we don't get testing accuracy
options = '-z {} -v {}'.format(self.z, 1)
#run command
cmd = self.exec_path + 'budgetedsvm-predict ' + options + ' ' + data +\
' ' + self.model_file + ' ' + p_file
cmd = cmd.split(' ')
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
#Waits for program to end, receives output/error
output, error = process.communicate()
output = output.decode()
error = error.decode()
if len(error) > 0:
raise Exception(error)
#Last line of output contains accuracy...
output_lines = output.strip('\n').split('\n')
perf_str = output_lines[-1]
perf_str = re.findall(r'\d+.\d+', perf_str)[0]
accuracy = 1 - float(perf_str) / 100
print('Tested budgeted SVM on given dataset, accuracy : {}'.format(accuracy))
return accuracy
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