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Jonas Chapuis jchapuis

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jchapuis / updateIndexFiles.scala
Created August 12, 2024 18:05
Update index files
def updateIndexFiles(newFile: IndexPage.File) =
for {
_ <-"Retrieving index page")
files <-
_ <-"Retrieved index page with ${files.size} files")
_ <- uploadNewIndexFiles(files, newFile)
} yield ()
def uploadNewIndexFiles(files: List[IndexPage.File], newFile: IndexPage.File) = {
val newFiles = files.toSet + newFile
jchapuis / safeUpdateIndexFiles.scala
Created August 12, 2024 17:54
Safe update files
def safeUpdateIndexFiles(newFile: IndexPage.File) =
.acquire(LeaseID(ks"file-uploader"), HolderID.unique)
jchapuis / LeaseRepository.scala
Created August 12, 2024 09:56
Lease repository abstraction
trait LeaseRepository[F[_]]:
def labels: List[Label]
def acquire(id: LeaseID, holderID: HolderID, annotations: List[Annotation] = Nil)(implicit
parameters: LeaseParameters = LeaseParameters.Default
): Resource[F, HeldLease[F]]
def get(id: LeaseID): F[Option[Lease[F]]]
def list: F[List[Lease[F]]]
def watcher: fs2.Stream[F, LeaseEvent[F]]
jchapuis / lease.scala
Created August 12, 2024 09:11
Lease abstraction
trait Lease[F[_]]:
def id: LeaseID
def holder: F[HolderID]
def labels: F[List[Label]]
def annotations: F[List[Annotation]]
def isExpired: F[Boolean]
def expired: fs2.Stream[F, Unit]
jchapuis / prepare-transfer.scala
Last active March 12, 2024 16:22
Prepare transfer
def prepare(transferID: TransferID, transfer: Transfer): F[Branch.Vote[TransferFailure]] = {
if (accountID === transfer.origin)
Logger[F].debug(show"Preparing outgoing transfer $transferID: $transfer for account $accountID") >>
account.prepareOutgoingTransfer(transferID, transfer)
.onErrorRetryWithBackoff(Logger[F].warn(_)(show"Error preparing outgoing transfer $transferID, retrying in a bit"))
.onLeftRetryWithBackoff { case Account.PendingOutgoingTransfer =>
Logger[F].warn(show"Account $accountID has a pending outgoing transfer, retrying in a bit")
.flatMap {
case Left(Account.Unknown) => Branch.Vote.Abort(TransferFailure.AccountNotFound(accountID)).pure[F]
def transfer(from: AccountID, to: AccountID, amount: PosAmount): F[TransferFailure \/ Unit] =
.create(TransferID.random, Transfer(from, to, amount), from, to)
.flatMap {
case Status.Committed => ().asRight[TransferFailure].pure
case Status.Aborted(reason) =>
reason match {
case AbortReason.Timeout =>
EitherT.leftT(TransferFailure.Timeout: TransferFailure).value
jchapuis / transfer-coordinator.scala
Created March 7, 2024 11:06
Transfer coordinator
transactor.coordinator[TransferID, AccountID, Transfer, TransferFailure](
{ accountID =>
val account = sharding.entityFor(accountID)
new TransferBranch(accountID, account)
trait Branch[F[_], TID, Q, R]
def prepare(id: TID, query: Q): F[Vote[R]]
def commit(id: TID): F[Unit]
def abort(id: TID): F[Unit]
jchapuis / prepare-phase.csv
Last active March 5, 2024 16:10
Example: orchestration of the booking process for a journey - prepare phase Data store Transaction branch operation
Create cancelable hotel & flight reservations External API Make a reversible synchronous HTTP POST/PUT request
Request the billing backend for the credit card guarantee charge and await confirmation Internal service Send a message or call an endpoint and wait for an event to occur
Add details to the customer row in the database Database Acquire an exclusive lock on a database row or use builtin XA support
Grab a semaphore to update the recent bookings cache In-memory resource Lock an in-memory resource
Schedule traveller reminder notifications Actor cluster Send a command to an actor
Add an entry in a bookings log File Persist a rollback-ready change in a file
jchapuis / Differ.scala
Created May 25, 2021 12:02
Generic LCS diffing in Scala (dynamic programming with memoization)
import cats.{ Eq, Show }
import cats.syntax.eq._
import FunctionHelpers._
object Differ {
sealed trait Diff[T]
object Diff {
final case class Insert[T](revision: T) extends Diff[T]