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Forked from hallettj/for.sibilant
Created July 30, 2013 21:23
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; A monad comprehension is a syntactic construct that translates
; synchronous-looking code into a callback-based implementation. Monads
; are a very general abstraction - which means that monad comprehensions
; have more expressive power than other sync-to-async code
; transformations.
; Here is an example that uses jQuery's $.get method to fetch resources:
(def post-with-author (id)
(<- post ($.get (+ "/posts" id)))
(<- author ($.get (+ "/users" post.authorId)))
[author post]))
; The HTTP methods provided by jQuery return objects called promises.
; A promise represents an eventual outcome, such as the response to an
; HTTP request. One can add success or error callbacks to a promise
; using the `then` method. The `for` macro used above produces the this
; javascript code:
; var postWithAuthor = (function(id) {
; return $.get(("/posts" + id)).then((function(post) {
; return $.get(("/users" + post.authorId)).then((function(author) {
; return [ author, post ];
; }));
; }));
; });
; Promises are monads, which is what makes this work. If `then` is
; given a callback that returns another promise then the `then` call
; itself returns a promise with the same eventual value as the promise
; returned by the callback. Or if a callback returns a non-promise
; value then the `then` call returns a promise that resolves to that
; value.
; There is more information on how promises behave as monads at
; It is often useful to be able to assign the results of synchronous
; expressions to variables in monad comprehensions. To support that
; there is a `let` keyword. For example, here is a function with some
; more steps:
(def first-post()
(<- posts ($.get "/posts"))
(let post (get posts 0))
(<- author (if post.authorId
($.get (+ "/users" post.authorId))
($.get "/users/anonymous")))
[author post]))
; Arrays can also be monads. It is just necessary to define an array
; method that behaves like the promise `then` method. That method is
; sometimes called `flatMap` because it works like the usual array `map`
; method except that if the given callback returns another array
; `flatMap` flattens the resulting array of arrays.
(def Array.prototype.flatMap (fn)
(var mapped ( fn))
(if (mapped.every is-array)
(flatten mapped)
(def is-array (obj)
(= ( obj) "[object Array]"))
(def flatten (array)
(var result [])
(each (elem) array
(each (sub-elem) elem
(result.push sub-elem)))
; For compatibility with the `for` macro let's create an alias for
; `flatMap` called `then`.
(set Array.prototype 'then Array.prototype.flatMap)
; With this method in place it is possible to use the same `for` macro
; to iterate over arrays. This is a handy way to generate every
; possible combination of elements from multiple input arrays. Let's
; make a list of all of the possible positions in the game Battleship:
(def battleship-positions()
cols: ['A 'B 'C 'D 'E 'F 'G 'H 'I 'J]
rows: ['1 '2 '3 '4 '5 '6 '7 '8 '9 '10])
(<- col cols)
(<- row rows)
(+ col row)))
; You might not want an exhaustive search though. I'm pretty sure that
; there are never any ships in the H column. Here is how to apply that
; optimization:
(<- col cols)
(when (!= col 'H))
(<- row rows)
(+ col row))
; The `when` keyword when used in a `for` macro results in a `filter`
; invocation which excludes elements of the first list from the inner
; iteration. That macro produces this javascript code:
; cols.filter((function(col) {
; return (col !== "H");
; })).then((function(col) {
; return rows.then((function(row) {
; return (col + row);
; }));
; }))
; Uses of arrays-as-monads can get more sophisticated. Consider the
; n-queens problem: given an n-by-n chessboard how can one arrange
; n queens so that none is in a position to capture any of the others?
; This is another problem that can be solved by using the array monad to
; search a solution space. Here is one such solution adapted from
(def n-queens (size)
(def place-queens (n)
(if (<= n 0)
(<- queens (place-queens (- n 1)))
(<- y (range 1 size))
(let queen {x: n, y: y})
(when (is-safe queen queens))
[(queens.concat queen)])))
(place-queens size))
(def is-safe (queen others)
(#(other) (! (is-attacked queen other)))))
(def is-attacked (q1 q2)
(= q1.x q2.x)
(= q1.y q2.y)
(Math.abs (- q2.x q1.x))
(Math.abs (- q2.y q1.y)))))
(def range (min max)
result []
i min)
(while (<= i max)
(result.push i)
(++ i))
; Here is a very simple implementation of the `for` macro:
(macro simple-for (&rest steps)
step (get steps 0)
ident (get step 1)
expr (get step 2)
rest (steps.slice 1))
(macros.send expr 'then
(macros.lambda [ident]
(if (> rest.length 1)
(apply macros.simple-for rest)
(get rest 0)))))
; This version will correctly handle `post-with-author` and
; `battleship-positions`, which do not use `let` or `when`. Here is the
; full implementation with support for `let` and `when`:
(macro for (&rest steps)
(get (macros.for-helper steps []) 0))
(macro for-helper (steps accum)
(if (<= steps.length 0)
(do (var
step (get-from steps -1)
rest (steps.slice 0 -1)
instr (get step 0))
(= instr "<-")
(macros.for-gets rest accum step)
(= instr 'let)
(macros.for-let rest accum step)
(= instr 'when)
(macros.for-when rest accum step)
(macros.for-expression rest accum step)))))
(macro for-gets (steps accum step)
ident (get step 1)
expr (get step 2))
(macros.for-helper steps
[(macros.send expr 'then
(apply macros.lambda (send [[ident]] concat accum)))]))
(macro for-expression (steps accum step)
expr step)
(macros.for-helper steps
(if (> accum.length 0)
[(macros.send expr 'then
(apply macros.lambda (send [[]] concat accum)))]
(macro for-let (steps accum step)
letvar (get step 1)
rval (get step 2))
(macros.for-helper steps
(send [(macros.var letvar rval)] concat accum)))
(macro for-when (steps accum step)
expr (get step 1)
last-idx undefined)
(each (elem i) steps
instr (get elem 0))
(when (and (!= instr 'let) (!= instr 'when))
(assign last-idx i)))
last-step (get steps last-idx)
last-instr (get last-step 0)
last-ident undefined
last-expr undefined)
(if (= last-instr "<-")
(assign last-ident (get last-step 1), last-expr (get last-step 2))
(assign last-expr last-step))
inter-steps (steps.slice (+ last-idx 1))
inter-result (macros.for-helper inter-steps [])
filtered (macros.send last-expr 'filter
(apply macros.lambda (send [(if last-ident [last-ident] [])] concat
inter-steps [expr])))
rest (steps.slice))
(set rest last-idx
(if last-ident
["<-" last-ident filtered]
(macros.for-helper rest accum))
(macro get-from (array, idx)
sliced (macros.send array 'slice idx))
(if (>= idx 0)
(macros.get array idx)
(macros.get sliced 0)))
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