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Forked from nkallen/MODULARITY_OLYMPICS.markdown
Created February 21, 2010 08:09
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Instantiating Query Object
Selecting SELECT ... FROM ... FOR UPDATE ... (501)
Did not timeout! Yay fast database
Measured select at 0 seconds
Instantiating Query Object
Executing INSERT ... (501)
Did not timeout! Yay fast database
Measured select at 0 seconds
Executing INSERT ... (501)
Did not timeout! Yay fast database
Measured select at 0 seconds
Instantiating Query Object
Selecting SELECT ... FROM ... FOR UPDATE ... (793)
Measured select at 0 seconds
Did not timeout! Yay fast database
Instantiating Query Object
Executing INSERT ... (793)
Measured select at 0 seconds
Did not timeout! Yay fast database
Executing INSERT ... (793)
Measured select at 0 seconds
Did not timeout! Yay fast database
Instantiating Query Object
Selecting SELECT ... FROM ... FOR UPDATE ... on #<Object:0x11f6750>
Did not timeout! Yay fast database!
Measured select at 1.00 seconds
Instantiating Query Object
Executing INSERT ... on #<Object:0x11f6750>
Did not timeout! Yay fast database!
Measured select at 1.00 seconds
Executing INSERT ... on #<Object:0x11f6750>
Did not timeout! Yay fast database!
Measured select at 1.00 seconds
Instantiating Query Object
Selecting SELECT ... FROM ... FOR UPDATE ... on #<Object:0x11f4ea0>
Measured select at 1.00 seconds
Did not timeout! Yay fast database!
Instantiating Query Object
Executing INSERT ... on #<Object:0x11f4ea0>
Measured select at 1.00 seconds
Did not timeout! Yay fast database!
Executing INSERT ... on #<Object:0x11f4ea0>
Measured select at 1.00 seconds
Did not timeout! Yay fast database!
wrap = function (original, decoration) {
var replacement = {}
for (var key in original) replacement[key] = (function() {
var inner = original[key], outer = decoration[key]
if (typeof outer === 'function' && typeof inner === 'function') {
return function() { return outer.apply (inner, arguments) }
} else return outer || inner }) ()
return replacement }
pipeline = function (item, decorators) {
for each (var decorator in decorators)
item = wrap (item, decorator)
return item }
BasicQuery = {
transaction: function (transaction) {
var pipe = this, connection = pipe.allocateConnection (pipe.opts)
transaction ({
query: function (string) { pipe.query (pipe.buildQuery (string, connection), pipe.opts)},
execute: function (string) { pipe.execute (pipe.buildQuery (string, connection), pipe.opts)} }) },
allocateConnection: function (opts) { return { connectionId: Math.round (Math.random() * 1000) }},
buildQuery: function (queryString, connection) {
print ("Instantiating Query Object")
return {
connection: connection,
queryString: queryString } },
withOptions: function (options) {
this.opts = options
return this },
execute: function (query, options)
{ print ("Executing " + query.queryString + " (" + query.connection.connectionId + ")") },
query: function (query, options)
{ print ("Selecting " + query.queryString + " (" + query.connection.connectionId + ")") } }
Memoizer = {
memos: {},
allocateConnection: function (options) {
connection = this (options)
Memoizer.memos[connection] = {}
return connection },
buildQuery: function (queryString, connection) {
if (typeof Memoizer.memos [connection] [queryString] === 'undefined')
Memoizer.memos [connection] [queryString] = this (queryString, connection)
return Memoizer.memos [connection] [queryString] } }
Stats = {
query: function () { Stats.stats.apply (this, arguments) },
execute: function () { Stats.stats.apply (this, arguments) },
stats: function (query, options) {
if (options.stats) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime()
var value = this (query, options)
print ("Measured select at " + ((new Date()).getTime() - time) + " seconds")
return value
} else return this (query, options) } }
TimeoutMonitor = {
query: function () { TimeoutMonitor.monitor.apply (this, arguments) },
execute: function () { TimeoutMonitor.monitor.apply (this, arguments) },
monitor: function (query, options) {
value = this (query, options)
print ('Did not timeout! Yay fast database')
return value } }
load ('olympic.js')
var forward = [ TimeoutMonitor, Stats, Memoizer ],
options = { stats: true, connectionPoolSize: 20, timeout: 1000 }
print ("Forward:")
pipeline (BasicQuery, forward)
.withOptions (options)
.transaction (function (t) {
t.query ('SELECT ... FROM ... FOR UPDATE ...')
t.execute ('INSERT ...')
t.execute ('INSERT ...') })
print ("\nBackward:")
pipeline (BasicQuery, forward.reverse())
.withOptions (options)
.transaction (function (t) {
t.query ('SELECT ... FROM ... FOR UPDATE ...')
t.execute ('INSERT ...')
t.execute ('INSERT ...') })
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