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Created March 8, 2011 22:14
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#!/usr/bin/env python
git log next..master --oneline |
git cherry next master -v |
pip install termcolor
import json
import multiprocessing
import re
import sys
import urllib
import termcolor
API = ''
bug_re = re.compile('bug (\d+)', re.I)
BUGS = {}
# Create functions for all the colors and attributes.
for attr in termcolor.ATTRIBUTES:
globals()[attr] = lambda x, a=attr: termcolor.colored(x, attrs=[a])
for color in termcolor.COLORS:
globals()[color] = lambda x, c=color: termcolor.colored(x, c)
def milestone(bug):
qs = '?include_fields=target_milestone'
response = urllib.urlopen(API % bug + qs)
return bug, json.loads('target_milestone')
def buggy(msg):
return bug_re.sub(lambda x: bold(magenta(, msg)
stdin = [line for line in sys.stdin]
for line in stdin:
rev, msg = line.strip().split(' ', 1)
BUGS.update((b, None) for b in bug_re.findall(msg))
BUGS = dict(multiprocessing.Pool(10).map(milestone, BUGS))
for line in stdin:
diff, mcolor = '', green
if line.startswith('+') or line.startswith('-'):
mcolor = green if line.startswith('+') else red
diff = mcolor(line[:2])
line = line[2:]
rev, msg = line.strip().split(' ', 1)
ms = [BUGS[b] for b in bug_re.findall(msg)]
ms = '[%s]' % ', '.join(map(mcolor, ms)) if ms else ''
print diff, bold(yellow(rev[:8])), buggy(msg), ms
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