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Created July 1, 2010 18:29
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import re
import sys
logs = {}
regex = re.compile('z.timer:INFO (?P<method>\w+) "(?P<url>[^"]+)" '
'\((?P<code>\d+)\) (?P<time>[\d.]+) :')
def read(line):
match =
if match:
method, url, code, time = match.groups()
logs.setdefault(url, {'times': [], 'methods': {}})
m = logs[url]['methods'].setdefault(method, {})
m.setdefault(code, 0)
m[code] += 1
for line in open(sys.argv[1]):
for stats in logs.values():
t = stats['times']
stats['max'] = max(t)
stats['count'] = cnt = len(t)
stats['total'] = sum(t)
stats['avg'] = avg = stats['total'] / stats['count']
stats['stddev'] = (sum((x - avg) ** 2 for x in t) / cnt) ** .5
key = lambda f: (f[1]['count'], f[1]['avg'])
headings = ''.join('<th>%s</th>' % x for x in 'url avg count total max stddev responses'.split())
rows = []
for url, s in sorted(logs.items(), key=key, reverse=True):
if not (s['total'] > 0 and s['count'] > 20):
dl = []
for method, counts in s['methods'].items():
dl.append('<dt>%s</dt>' % method)
for code, count in counts.items():
dl.append('<dd><b>%s</b>: %s' % (code, count))
dl = '<dl>%s</dl>' % ''.join(dl)
r = '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%.2f</td><td>%s</td><td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (
url, s['avg'], s['count'], s['total'], s['max'], s['stddev'], dl)
h = '<style>tr:nth-child(even){ background-color: #ddd; }</style><code><table><thead>%s</thead><tbody>%s</tbody></table></code>' % (headings, ''.join(rows))
open('public_html/woo.html', 'w').write(h)
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