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Created June 20, 2014 16:48
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aurora-scheduler -help output
$ ./
+ AURORA_SCHEDULER_HOME=/usr/local/aurora-scheduler
+ JAVA_OPTS=(-server -Xmx1g -Xms1g -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib64)
+ AURORA_FLAGS=(-help)
+ export GLOG_v=0
+ GLOG_v=0
+ export LIBPROCESS_PORT=8083
+ PATH=./:/usr/local/rbenv/bin:/opt/siri/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/Users/jaybuff/bin
+ JAVA_OPTS='-server -Xmx1g -Xms1g -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib64'
+ exec /usr/local/aurora-scheduler/bin/aurora-scheduler -help
Jun 20, 2014 4:46:10 PM com.twitter.common.args.apt.Configuration load
INFO: Loading @CmdLine config from: [jar:file:/usr/local/aurora-scheduler/lib/client-flagged-0.0.5.jar!/com/twitter/common/args/apt/, jar:file:/usr/local/aurora-scheduler/lib/server-set-1.0.74.jar!/com/twitter/common/args/apt/, jar:file:/usr/local/aurora-scheduler/lib/application-module-http-0.0.62.jar!/com/twitter/common/args/apt/, jar:file:/usr/local/aurora-scheduler/lib/application-module-log-0.0.56.jar!/com/twitter/common/args/apt/, jar:file:/usr/local/aurora-scheduler/lib/application-module-stats-0.0.44.jar!/com/twitter/common/args/apt/, jar:file:/usr/local/aurora-scheduler/lib/application-0.0.73.jar!/com/twitter/common/args/apt/, jar:file:/usr/local/aurora-scheduler/lib/args-0.2.9.jar!/com/twitter/common/args/apt/, jar:file:/usr/local/aurora-scheduler/lib/logging-0.0.61.jar!/com/twitter/common/args/apt/, jar:file:/usr/local/aurora-scheduler/lib/quark-aurora-package-0.5.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/com/twitter/common/args/apt/]
-h or -help to print this help message
Required flags:
-backup_dir [not null]
Directory to store backups under. Will be created if it does not exist.
-cluster_name [not null]
Name to identify the cluster being served.
Properties file which contains framework credentials to authenticate with Mesosmaster. Must contain the properties 'aurora_authentication_principal' and 'aurora_authentication_secret'.
-mesos_master_address [not null]
Address for the mesos master, can be a socket address or zookeeper path.
JKS keyfile for operating the Mesos Thrift-over-SSL interface.
-serverset_path [not null, must be non-empty]
ZooKeeper ServerSet path to register at.
-thermos_executor_path [not null]
Path to the thermos executor launch script.
user:password to use when authenticating with ZooKeeper.
-zk_endpoints [must have at least 1 item]
Endpoint specification for the ZooKeeper servers.
Optional flags:
Log messages to stderr, in addition to log files. Ignored when --logtostderr
-async_slot_stat_update_interval=(1, mins)
Interval on which to try to update open slot stats.
-async_task_stat_update_interval=(1, hrs)
Interval on which to try to update resource consumption stats.
The number of worker threads to process async task operations with.
-auth_module=class org.apache.aurora.auth.UnsecureAuthModule
A Guice module to provide auth bindings. NOTE: The default is unsecure.
-backup_interval=(1, hrs)
Minimum interval on which to write a storage backup.
Number of threads to use for the cron scheduler thread pool.
-cron_start_initial_backoff=(1, secs)
Initial backoff delay while waiting for a previous cron run to be killed.
-cron_start_max_backoff=(1, mins)
Max backoff delay while waiting for a previous cron run to be killed.
TimeZone to use for cron predictions.
Whether snapshots should be deflate-compressed.
-dlog_max_entry_size=(512, KB)
Specifies the maximum entry size to append to the log. Larger entries will be split across entry Frames.
-dlog_shutdown_grace_period=(2, secs)
Specifies the maximum time to wait for scheduled checkpoint and snapshot actions to complete before forcibly shutting down.
-dlog_snapshot_interval=(1, hrs)
Specifies the frequency at which snapshots of local storage are taken and written to the log.
List of domains for which CORS support should be enabled.
Enable CORS support for thrift end points.
Allow new jobs to be created, if false all job creation requests will be denied.
Whether new job updates should be accepted.
Enable the preemptor and preemption
-executor_gc_interval=(1, hrs)
Max interval on which to run the GC executor on a host to clean up dead tasks.
User to start the executor. Defaults to "root". Set this to an unprivileged user if the mesos master was started with "--no-root_submissions". If set to anything other than "root", the executor will ignore the "role" setting for jobs since it can't use setuid() anymore. This means that all your jobs will run under the specified user and the user has to exist on the mesos slaves.
A list of modules that provide additional functionality.
-flapping_task_threshold=(5, mins)
A task that repeatedly runs for less than this time is considered to be flapping.
-framework_failover_timeout=(21, days)
Time after which a framework is considered deleted. SHOULD BE VERY HIGH.
Path to the gc executor launch script.
Guice development stage to create injector with.
Maximum number of terminated tasks to retain in a job history.
-history_min_retention_threshold=(1, hrs)
Minimum guaranteed time for task history retention before any pruning is attempted.
-history_prune_threshold=(2, days)
Time after which the scheduler will prune terminated task history.
-http_announce_port_names=[http] [must have at least 1 item]
Names to identify the HTTP port with when advertising the service.
-http_port=0 [must be >= 0 and <= 65535]
The port to start an HTTP server on. Default value will choose a random port.
True if HTTP is the primary service.
-initial_flapping_task_delay=(30, secs)
Initial amount of time to wait before attempting to schedule a flapping task.
-initial_schedule_delay=(1, ms)
Initial amount of time to wait before attempting to schedule a PENDING task.
-log_dir [file must exist, file must be readable, file must be a directory]
The directory where application logs are written.
Log messages to stderr instead of logfiles.
-max_flapping_task_delay=(5, mins)
Maximum delay between attempts to schedule a flapping task.
-max_leading_duration=(1, days)
After leading for this duration, the scheduler should commit suicide.
-max_registration_delay=(1, mins)
Max allowable delay to allow the driver to register before aborting
-max_reschedule_task_delay_on_startup=(30, secs)
Upper bound of random delay for pending task rescheduling on scheduler startup.
Maximum number of backups to retain before deleting the oldest backups.
Maximum number of scheduling attempts to make per second.
-max_schedule_delay=(30, secs)
Maximum delay between attempts to schedule a PENDING tasks.
-max_tasks_per_job=4000 [must be > 0]
Maximum number of allowed tasks in a single job.
-min_offer_hold_time=(5, mins)
Minimum amount of time to hold a resource offer before declining.
-min_offer_hold_time_jitter_window=(1, mins)
Upper bound of random jitter added to min_offer_hold_time.
The maximum number of attempts to obtain a new log writer.
-native_log_election_timeout=(15, secs)
The timeout for a single attempt to obtain a new log writer.
Path to a file to store the native log data in. If the parent directory doesnot exist it will be created.
The size of the quorum required for all log mutations.
-native_log_read_timeout=(5, secs)
The timeout for doing log reads.
-native_log_write_timeout=(3, secs)
The timeout for doing log appends and truncations.
A zookeeper node for use by the native log to track the master coordinator.
-offer_reservation_duration=(3, mins)
Time to reserve a slave's offers while trying to satisfy a task preempting another.
-preemption_delay=(10, mins)
Time interval after which a pending task becomes eligible to preempt other tasks
DANGEROUS! Require Mesos slaves to have checkpointing enabled. When enabled a slave restart should not kill executors, but the scheduler will not be able to launch tasks on slaves without --checkpoint=true in their command lines. See for more information.
If true, use JSON for encoding server set information. Defaults to true (use JSON).
-sla_stat_refresh_interval=(1, mins)
The SLA stat refresh interval.
-slow_query_log_threshold=(25, ms)
Log all queries that take at least this long to execute.
-stat_retention_period=(1, hrs)
Time for a stat to be retained in memory before expiring.
-stat_sampling_interval=(1, secs)
Statistic value sampling interval.
If true, run in a testing mode with the scheduler isolated from other components.
Path to a file to store local log file data in.
Thrift server port.
-transient_task_state_timeout=(5, mins)
The amount of time after which to treat a task stuck in a transient state as LOST.
True to use the new glog-based configuration for the root logger.
True to use the glog formatter exclusively.
Concrete name mappings for administration capabilities.
URL prefix for job container stats.
The value is one of the constants in java.util.logging.Level. Shows all messages with level equal or higher than the value of this flag.
Per-class verbose level. The argument has to contain a comma-separated list of <class_name>=<log_level>. <class_name> is the full-qualified name of a class, <log_level> is one of the constants in java.util.logging.Level. <log_level> overrides any value given by --vlog.
chroot path to use for the ZooKeeper connections
Launches an embedded zookeeper server for local testing causing -zk_endpoints to be ignored if specified.
-zk_session_timeout=(4, secs)
The ZooKeeper session timeout.
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