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jasonwoo / OSM Bright Windows 7 quickstart
Last active January 31, 2016 14:39
OSM Bright Windows 7 quickstart notes
This guide documents the steps I used to get OSM Bright successfully loaded in TileMill v.0.10.1 on Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
Required software:
Python (2.7 for me)
TileMill v.0.10.1 ( )
OpenGeo Suite 4.0.1 (uses PostgreSQL 9.3rc1). OpenGeo suite isn't a hard requirement here. There are other ways to install postgres/PostGIS. This just seemed like the quickest and easiest way to get up and running. I installed to the default location and also installed Client Tools for PostGIS, pgAdmin and GDAL though these are likely not prerequisites. ( ) Note: Name and e-mail registration is required to download.