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Created December 21, 2011 03:53
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A simple function to include into your own project for sending a purge request via PHP SOAP. Follow/Fork me at
PHP Akamai Purge
By: Jason Rundell <jason dot rundell (at) gmail dot com> @jasonrundell
Started: December 20th 2011
Fork me:
Cudos: @hermanradtke
I came across while doing a Google search for
other folks who have worked with Akamai's SOAP API and PHP. The original function
pap_purge() function was started from the code provided publicly.
Jan 9, 2012 - I did some digging and I believe we have
to thank! How many hradtke could there be, right? :)
Jan 9, 2012 - Emailed hradtke and it's confirmed. Thanks Herman Radtke!
Jan 10, 2012 - Dustin Hood @dustinhood tweeted me with Akamai documentation
and later in emails provided the method for getting email notifications.
Server requirements:
PHP: Version 5.X
// the following two named constants are developer preference. I enjoy them :)
// you can of course add in user and password properties to the pap_akamai_purge() function.
// end of suggested constants
function pap_akamai_purge($url){ // 'pap' stands for Php Akamai Purge
$client = new SoapClient(''); // xml schema Akamai uses for purging
$options = array('action=invalidate','email-notification='.$email,'domain=production','type=arl'); // email notification is optional. Thanks @dustinhood for the array options.
try {
$purgeResult = $client->purgeRequest(AKAMAI_USER, AKAMAI_PASSWORD, '', $options, array($url));
// once you have $purgeResult, you can handle the results any way you'd prefer.
// the following lines are just a suggestion
if ($purgeResult->resultCode==100) { // 100 = success
return "Purge Success for: $url</br>";
} else {
return "Something went wrong. Akamai purge request failed: $purgeResult->resultCode</br>";
// end of suggestion
} catch(SoapFault $e) {
return "Something went wrong. Akamai purge request failed: $e</br>";
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