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Git Strict Flow and GitHub Project Guidelines - setup rules and git flow for commercial and open-source projects by @rsp

Git Strict Flow and GitHub Project Guidelines

Or how to turn this:

into this:

Note: Those are actual screenshots of real life commercial projects before and after introducing the following rules.


This documment explains how to set up and develop a software project using Git in general and GitHub in particular (but it can be easily adapted to work on any Git platform like GitLab, Bitbucket or any other, as everything outside of the GitHub configuration section is not GitHub-specific). It consists of rules that proved to work well over the years in multiple commercial and open-source projects, both small and large-scale.

It is intentionally written in the RFC-style language, not necesserily because the author believes that no good git flow is possible without strictly following these specific rules, but because such guidelines are just like code style guides, i.e. it's important to keep the entire project consistent and for that goal a rule that you must use semicolons or a rule that you must not use semicolons is always better than a rule that you may use semicolons sometimes if you want. For definitions of key words used to indicate requirement levels, please refer to RFC 2119.

It is released in hope that it will be useful as a base for modifications to suit other projects as it tries to cover most of the topics that need to be decided for a consistent work flow. It is released under the MIT License (Expat), see for details.

Feel free to fork, modify and adapt to your own needs.

(Please leave a comment if you would like your own variant to be linked here.)

All comments are welcome.


All comments, issues, pull requests titles and descriptions, code review comments, commit messages, code comments, license, readme and all documentation MUST be written in one language. This language SHOULD be English.


The project MUST contain a, LICENSE.txt or LICENSE file with an appropriate license for open-source projects or a text "Copyright (C) {YEAR} {ORGANISATION NAME}. All rights reserved."

The license file SHOULD be committed as the first commit and it SHOULD never change. (This is to make sure that it is clear how all of the code coming from subsequent commits is licensed.)

The license MUST be referenced in the project metadata if it supports license description.


The project MUST include a file in the Markdown format.

The file SHOULD be committed as the second commit, right after

The README file MUST be kept up to date. (It is better to have incomplete information than incorrect or outdated information in the README.)

The README file MUST include the following information:

  • the name of the project
  • the author(s) of the project
  • the copyright holder
  • the purpose of the project
  • people responsible for the project
  • the programming language(s) (with versions) used in the project
  • the style guide used for the code in the project
  • prerequisites of running the project
  • how to install project dependencies
  • how to build or run the project
  • what is the expected result of building or running the project

The README file SHOULD include the following information:

  • how to set up a developer environment to conviently work on the project
  • how to submit bugs
  • how to submit feature requests if applicable


The project MUST have a CI environment configured.

The project MUST include tests that are run automatically by CI for every commit including pull requests before merging.

If the CI system provides a graphical badge indicating a CI status, this badge MUST be included at the top of the README file.


The style guide described in the README file MUST be enforced by a linter that is run automatically by the CI. It MUST be impossible to merge code that violates the chosen style guide.

The linter configuration MUST include indentation rules (tabs vs. spaces) and line endings (Unix vs. Windows).


All dependencies required by the project MUST be referenced in the project metadata.

Dependencies MUST be installed by the default method used for installing dependencies for a given language and runtime on a fresh checkout and a clean system.

The project MUST NOT depend on implicit dependencies and globally installed packages.


The main development branch MUST be called develop in the main repo for the project.

Changes MUST NOT be committed directly to the develop branch by anyone.

Every contributor to the project MUST create a private fork of the repo.

All work MUST be done on feature branches, one for each new feature or bug fix.

All feature branches SHOULD be created on the developer private fork. (This is to avoid repository polution and branch name conflicts.)

(If there is a good reason for that then optionally feature branches MAY be created on the original repo, but that SHOULD be avoided if possible. This is called a "nonforking variant" and the reason to use it should be clearly stated in the project's readme to avoid confusion among contributors.)

Every feature branch MUST be branched from the up-to-date develop branch and it SHOULD be regularily rebased if there are any changes on develop before it gets merged. (This is to avoid more complicated merge conflicts when the PR is stale for too long.)

Feature and fix branches SHOULD be named using a convention:

  • fix/broken-link
  • feature/password-validation

Feature branches MAY be named using convention:

  • broken-link
  • password-validation

Feature branches MUST NOT be named in a way that requires additional knowledge to understand what they do.

Examples of bad branch names:

  • fix/1234
  • feature/meeting-nov-11
  • task-12


A commit message MUST have an informative subject in its first line.

A commit subject MUST NOT exceed 72 characters.

A commit subject MUST be in the form of:

  • Do something

for example:

  • Add password length validation

Commit subject MUST be capitalized and MUST NOT end with a period.

A correct subject line will always make sense in this sentence:

  • "If applied, this commit will {THE SUBJECT LINE}."

For example:

  • "If applied, this commit will fix broken link."
  • "If applied, this commit will add password length validation."

A commit message MAY have a body with additional information.

The body if present MUST be separated from the subject by one blank line.

The body SHOULD NOT have any lines that exceed 72 characters (it MAY have longer lines only if it is impossible to format otherwise, e.g. with long URLs).

The body MAY include links and references to issues, pull requests, other commits or more, if that is relevant only to this one commit. If that information relates to the entire pull request then that info SHOULD be present in the pull request description instead, and it should get commited as a commit message of the merge commit after the pull request gets merged.

GitHub pull requests and issues in commit bodies or pull request descriptions MUST be referenced by #{NUMBER} and not a URL, e.g.:

  • #1234

Other commits MUST be referenced by the commit hash (possibly abbreviated) and not a URL, e.g.:

  • a1b2c3d4

Any resources outside of GitHub SHOULD be referenced by URLs, e.g.:

A commit message SHOULD NOT need any context to understand what it does.

Example of a good commit subject line:

  • Add password length validation

Examples of bad commit subject lines:

  • Add password length validation.
    • ends with a period
  • Adding password length validation
    • wrong grammatical form
  • add password length validation
    • is not capitalized
  • Password length validation
    • wrong grammatical form
  • Implement feature request from Friday
    • no information without additional context
  • Task 1234
    • wrong grammatical form and no information without additional context

Example of good commit message with subject and body:

Add password length validation

This commit adds validation required in Task-123
using the abc validation library.

It closes issue #456.

A pull request and its associated branch SHOULD do one thing only (fix a bug, implement a feature).

Any reference to tickets, tasks, issues, bug tracking numbers or any other relevant resources SHOULD be included in the pull request description if needed.


The repository MUST NOT contain any hardcoded host names, database addresses, port numbers, user names, API keys, or any other kind of credentials or sensitive data, even if they are encrypted.

All configuration SHOULD be provided using environment variables.

The repository SHOULD NOT contain any real configuration data, other than sane default values.

The project MAY use localhost or default port numbers for external services like databases if no configuration is provided in environment variables, but it MUST NOT use any real external hosts as default.


The develop branch or any other branch MUST NOT be merged into the feature branches to keep the feature branches up-to-date.

(Specifically, the "Update branch" button on GitHub MUST NOT be used to update the branch - see: screenshot-update-branch.png Unfortunately this button cannot be disabled yet.)

If the pull request gets out of date then it MUST be rebased and then tested after rebasing and before merging.

The feature branches MUST always be rebased on the current develop branch in the main repo before merging.


Pull requests MUST NOT be merged using the "Rebase and merge" button on GitHub. (That is because it merges the pull request into develop before running the tests on the rebased branch.)

Pull requests MUST NOT be merged using the "Squash and merge" button on GitHub. If squashing commits is needed, it MUST be done before merging to run the CI tests.

Commits in pull requests SHOULD NOT be squashed. (That is to preserve the development history and original commit hashes and for later inspection of code reviews.)

If the project has a good reason to squash the commits, it MUST NOT be done with the "Squash and merge" button on GitHub, but instead using rebasing and squashing before merging, and then merging only after the CI tests are run. In that case the code review MUST be done on the already squashed pull request.

Merging MUST be unidirectional. Two-way merging, i.e. merging both from branch A to B and from B to A MUST NOT be done.

If a feature branch of a pull request gets out of date, the develop branch MUST NOT be merged into the feature branch to make the feature branch up to date. Instead, the feature branch MUST be rebased on top of the current version of the develop branch as described in the Rebasing section.


All release versions are tagged on develop with tags in the form of: v1.2.3 using semver rules from Semantic Versioning 2.x as published on

A release MUST be in the form of either:

  • a separate commit that changes the version in the project metadata and nothing else, tagged with the same version number
  • tagging of a merge commit on the develop branch with an appropriate version number

A tag once set MUST NOT be changed to point to a different commit hash.

The master branch can only be fast-forwarded to the latest release, which means that the only possible state of the master HEAD is one of the commits that are present on develop, specifically:

  • one of the merge commits or one of the version bump commits
  • preferably only those with an associated version tag

Major and/or minor version branches MAY be kept for future maintainance if needed. If they are kept then they MUST be named v1, v2 etc. for major versions and v1.1, v1.2 etc. for minor versions. The symbols that include all three parts of the semantic version are reserved for the release tags and MUST NOT be used for branch names.

Semantic Versioning 2.x rules MUST be followed when working with releases.

Bug fixes

All bug fixes for the current development branch MUST be done on fix branches rebased on top of the current develop branch, created in the same way as feature branches as described in the Branches section.

Hot fixes for already released versions MUST be done on fix branches branched from the tagged version commit or MUST be rebased on top of that tagged commit in case of backporting fixes originally created for other versions.

If more than one major version needs to be supported at the same time, separate branches MAY be kept for all supported versions. In that case those branches MUST be named v1, v2 etc. If several minor versions needs to be supported at the same time, separate branches MAY be kept for all supported minor versions and in that case those branches MUST be named v1.1, v1.2 etc.

Semantic Versioning 2.x rules MUST be followed when working with bug fixes.

GitHub configuration

The develop branch of the main repo MUST be protected on GitHub.

The following options of develop branch protection MUST be enabled:

  • Protect this branch
  • Require pull request reviews before merging
  • Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed
  • Require status checks to pass before merging
  • Require branches to be up to date before merging
  • Status checks found in the last week for this repository (the CI used in the project like Jenkins, Travis or Circle must be set to Required)

(Recommended GitHub configuration for Settings / Branches / Protected branches: screenshot-branch-protection.png)

The "Rebase and merge" and "Squash and merge" buttons on GitHub MUST be disabled. (This is to avoid possibility of merging code before it has been tested on CI.)

(Recommended GitHub configuration for Settings / Options / Merge button: screenshot-merge-button.png)


Rafał Pocztarski
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This document is released under the MIT License (Expat), see for details.

Feel free to fork, modify and adapt to your own needs.

All comments are welcome.

Copyright (c) 2016 Rafał Pocztarski

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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