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Last active July 1, 2019 16:40
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  • Save jasoncomes/f20d1cb301019438996eb106ca88d96d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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First, we'd like to thank you for applying with Higher Education, a proud vertical of Red Ventures. We're very excited about having a new developer join our crew, and we're all about finding the right person to fit our culture as well as someone we can learn from. Before getting into the interview process, we have a little fun, unsupervised* code challenge for you. *Unsupervised meaning, feel free to Google the crap out of things, reach out to us with questions, and to engineer it however works for you.

We’ll be looking for the following, which are skills that help make us successful everyday:

  • Following instructions: This is HUGE in our everyday work. In every task, we may touch something completely different, each with its own unique quirks. How you follow verbal and written directions will be key to your success at H-E.
  • Communication: Everything is an open door policy around here. If you have questions, ask. If you need help, ask. If you'd like a new monitor, ask! (Seriously, we provide top-of-the-line equipment to our developers.) If you have a new development idea/concept, YES!
  • User Interface / User Experience: Make it run fast and then awesome (but mostly fast). That's how we operate.
  • HTML Markup: Cheatcode: we're a 2-space indention shop
  • CSS Readability: Feel free to use Sass/SCSS or even LESS (but, srsly?)
  • Javascript: For the logic (and bonus points for vanilla js)
  • Time: We're looking to hire within the next two weeks (or even earlier). The sooner you return awesome code, the better for you.

Code Challenge

Building a form only using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Code Environment - Github

  1. Sign-in to Github or create an account, if you don't already have one.
  2. Create a Github public repository called HE Code Challenge.
  3. Initialize this repository with a README as the initial commit.
  4. In, add key information that went into challenge. e.g. resources, dependencies, setup
  5. In the repository settings, add @mdxprograms, @jasoncomes, @brian-mccoy, @ericrasch, @germanny as collaborators.
  6. Create an issue called build in the repository. Fill out any other information you deem necessary. If you have questions, comment in the issue request and tag us.
  7. Create a new branch called {ISSUENUMBER}-build (e.g. 53-build); code changes should only be done in the new branch.
  8. Create a Pull Request immediately.
    1. Title should include the phase "WIP" (work in progress) or "PR" (ready for review) e.g. [WIP] Title.
    2. Add a Github Keyword to close the issue automatically.
    3. Add short description of the task at hand.
    4. Create a checklist of todo items.
    5. Fill out any additional information you think will help a peer review your work.
    6. Commit code as you work on it.
  9. Upon completion, update the Pull Request title with the phase [PR] and assign all of us as reviewers.


  • Requirement: IE11+ & latests Chrome, Safari, Firefox.
  • Requirement: Birthday is 18 years or older.
  • Requirement: Zip code matches one from the Static Zip Code List.
  • Requirement: Required fields are *.
  • Requirement: Email input validation; if inputted email matches an existing USER JSON list record, can not be submitted.
  • Requirement: Password must contain an uppercase letter, a number, and a special character.
  • Requirement: Password must match confirm password.
  • Static Zip Code list: 57001, 57002, 57003, 57004, 57005, 57006, 57007, 57010, 57012, 57013, 57014, 57015.
  • Form input validations must be written client-side, using both HTML5 & JS. This is for cross-browser capabilities.
  • Each requirement, when not fulfilled, will prompt an individual error validation message.
  • On successful submission, existing users plus the new user in alphabetical order.

Forward thinking…

While this isn’t a requirement, and we’re perfectly capable of reviewing code, think about how you want to show us your work. e.g. codepen, jsfiddle, jsbin, netlify, github pages

Getcha code on! :)

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