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Last active February 13, 2019 03:45
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Contentful CMS -> CircleCI -> Github Repo -> Netlify -> Static Site Generator Jekyll


  1. Create SSH Key with Read/Write Access for site: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "deploy@{domain}"
  2. Choose Location: Add SSH Key to Projects lib folder.


  1. Create Repository
  2. Copy generated SSH Key from the lib/ key to site/settings/deploy, name it CircleCI Deploy Key. Allow write access.
  3. Clone repository locally.

Static Site Generator(Jekyll)- Development

  1. Install Jekyll & Bundler Gems ~ gem install jekyll bundler
  2. Project Root ~ run jekyll new .
  3. Read here on usage of Jekyll -
  4. Add the jekyll-contentful-data-import Gem to Project Gemfile Plugins.
# If you have any plugins, put them here!
group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.6"
  gem "jekyll-contentful-data-import" # <~ This Gem, remove comment.
  1. bundle install
  2. Adds the jekyll contentful to fetch entries for the configured spaces and content types(Which we'll setup later, we'll need to configure the _config.yml file after a few steps).

Circle CI

  1. Add Project
  2. Select Project Repository
  3. Settings: OS - Linux, Language - Ruby
  4. Create circle.yml file in site root. Populate circle.yml with:
    version: 2.3.1
    - gem install bundler
    - bundle install
    - bash lib/
  1. Build ~ This generates a generic Read Only Deployment Key to the Projects Github Repo, you may remove because we'll need to use the key that has Read/Write Access to the Projects Repository. Projects -> Settings -> Permissions -> Checkout SSH Key.
  2. Copy generated SSH Key from the lib/id_rsa key to the Projects -> Settings -> Permissions -> SSH Permission, add Hostname
  3. Create API Token for the Contentful API Webhook, this will be fired when a User Publishes/Unpubishes Entries. User Settings -> Personal API Token, name Contentful CMS.
  4. Create to your lib folder, populate with:
# Copy static site

# Clone Pages repository
cd /tmp
git clone build
# cd build && git checkout -b YOUR_BRANCH origin/YOUR_BRANCH # If not using master

# Trigger Jekyll rebuild
cd $CWD
bundle exec jekyll contentful

# Jekyll Build ~ Handled through Netlify
# bundle exec jekyll build

# Push newly built repository
cp -r $CWD/_build/* /tmp/build # or $CWD/_build

cd /tmp/build

git config --global ""
git config --global "Jason Comes"

git add .
git commit -m "Publish/Unpublish of Entry - Automated Rebuild"
git push -f origin master

ContentFul ~ Cloudbase CMS

  1. Create a new Space(code word for Site).
  2. Create Space Settings -> API Keys -> Content Delivery Token. Trigger this Webook for only Entry: Publish, Unpublish. Everything else, blank on page. Plase below snippet in your Projects _config.yml file.
# Contentful CMS
    - site:
        space: xpv3b4sqgroo # Site Space ID
        access_token: e0e7c0049bc4662c6bbd72bc09bb896e050201079b04a15c1ca3c64a9f51b451 # Site Space Access Token

This is the bare bones of it, if you need more customization please refer to this -

  1. Create Space Settings -> Webhook. Settings: Name - CircleCI, URL - `
  2. Start with Content Model, this is equal to Custom Post Type Setup. Will give you the ability to add Fields to Content Model Types.


  1. Sites Github Repository(Master branch) ~ Connect/Authorize with Github, this adds a read only deploy key to site/settings/deploy keys.
  2. Netlify triggers on commit to Master
  3. Runs Jekyll Build
  4. Deploy site
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