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Last active December 12, 2015 02:58
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Save jason-s13r/4703451 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
When I use JS Fiddle, I find myself wanting console.log() stuff to show up in the output pane as well as the actual JavaScript console.

When I use JS Fiddle, I find myself wanting console.log() stuff to show up in the output pane as well as the actual JavaScript console.

  • console(...) is the real console.log(...)
  • console.log(...) is the output pane + real console.log(...)
  • console.clear() deletes everything in the ol/ul tag.
  • console._ is mapped to the original browser console.
console.log('hello', 'world')
       .log('what', {now: true}, ['jim'])('Okay')
       ._.log('what', {now: true}, ['jim']);
# jsFiddle Console (c) Jason Schwarzenberger 2013 - License MIT
jsFiddleConsole = ->
nb = ' '
ol = document.getElementById 'console'
if !ol
ol = document.createElement 'ol'
ol.setAttribute 'id', 'console'
body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild ol
window.console = ((console) ->
count = 0
c = (args...) ->
console.log.apply console, args
return c
c._ = console
c.clear = ->
count = 0
ol.innerHTML = ''
console.log 'console reset'
return c
c.log = (args...) ->
li = document.createElement 'li'
line = ( (arg) ->
joined = if /string/i.test typeof arg then arg else JSON.stringify arg
return "<code>#{joined.replace /\ /g, nb}</code>"
).join ",#{nb}"
number = if /ol/i.test ol.tagName then '' else "#{++count}:#{Array(5).join nb}"
li.innerHTML = "#{number}#{line}"
ol.appendChild li
console.log.apply console, args
return c
return c
) console
Set the library settings to onDomReady and jQuery.
JavaScript resource:
ul, ol {
font-family: monospaced;
li {
margin: 8px 4px;
code {
border: solid 1px #e5e5e5;
background-color: #f9f9f9;
// JavaScript resource:
// jsFiddle Console (c) Jason Schwarzenberger 2013 - License MIT
// Compiled from CoffeeScript, then minified.
var jsFiddleConsole,__slice=[].slice;jsFiddleConsole=function(){var e,t,n;t=" ";n=document.getElementById("console");if(!n){n=document.createElement("ol");n.setAttribute("id","console");e=document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(n)}return window.console=function(e){var r,i;i=0;r=function(){var t;t=1<=arguments.length?,0):[];e.log.apply(e,t);return r};r._=e;r.clear=function(){i=0;n.innerHTML="";e.log("console reset");return r};r.log=function(){var s,o,u,a;s=1<=arguments.length?,0):[];o=document.createElement("li");{var n;n=/string/i.test(typeof e)?e:JSON.stringify(e);return"<code>"+n.replace(/\ /g,t)+"</code>"}).join(","+t);a=/ol/i.test(n.tagName)?"":""+ ++i+":"+Array(5).join(t);o.innerHTML=""+a+u;n.appendChild(o);e.log.apply(e,s);return r};return r}(console)}
// domready (c) Dustin Diaz 2012 - License MIT
!function(a,b){typeof module!="undefined"?module.exports=b():typeof define=="function"&&typeof define.amd=="object"?define(b):this[a]=b()}("domready",function(a){function m(a){l=1;while(a=b.shift())a()}var b=[],c,d=!1,e=document,f=e.documentElement,g=f.doScroll,h="DOMContentLoaded",i="addEventListener",j="onreadystatechange",k="readyState",l=/^loade|c/.test(e[k]);return e[i]&&e[i](h,c=function(){e.removeEventListener(h,c,d),m()},d),g&&e.attachEvent(j,c=function(){/^c/.test(e[k])&&(e.detachEvent(j,c),m())}),a=g?function(c){self!=top?l?c():b.push(c):function(){try{f.doScroll("left")}catch(b){return setTimeout(function(){a(c)},50)}c()}()}:function(a){l?a():b.push(a)}})
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