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Created February 5, 2018 00:19
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import minecraftmap
import os
import glob
import PIL
import pyvips
import shutil
import io
import requests
from nbt.nbt import NBTFile, TAG_Long, TAG_Int, TAG_String, TAG_List, TAG_Compound
import re
import collections
import argparse
import logging
import numpy
# get the current running folder to find the font and template folders
cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# setup the parser for command line options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='convert minecraft maps to the web')
parser.add_argument('--poi', action='store_true', help="generate POI")
parser.add_argument('--mcdata', help="input path to minecraft server data", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--output', help="output path for web stuff", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--size", help="size in blocks of map to render, centered on 0,0, default is 2000", type=int, default=2000)
# Setup the logger
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# get the args
args = parser.parse_args()
# Are we writing pois?
poi = args.poi
# Set the input minecraft world folder
mcdata = args.mcdata
# Set the output web stuff folder
papyriOutputPath = args.output
# This is the font used for the POI index number
fontPath = os.path.join(cwd, "04B_03B_.TTF")
# scale factor
scaleFactor = 1
# viewer zoom level
viewerZoom = args.size * 0.0092
# this is how much of the map is rendered
canvasSize = args.size * scaleFactor
# Format for the structure of a link pointing to a specific location on the map
linkFormat = "map/#dim/overworld/{}/{}/" + str(viewerZoom)
# regular expression searching for coordinates
poiRE = "(.*)\n(-?\d+), ?(-?\d+)\n(.*)"
# regular expression searching for HTML 8bit color codes
colorRE = "(#[0-9a-fA-F]{6})"
# Header for the tag tables in markdown
tableHeader ="""
| |
# row format for each POI in markdown
poiFormat = "|![]({0}{6}.png) **{1}**<br>[{2}, {3}]({4})<br>{5}|\n"
poiMd = ""
# location of the palyer data files
playerDatFilesPath = os.path.join(mcdata, "playerdata", "*.dat")
# list of all the player data files
playerDatFiles = glob.glob(playerDatFilesPath)"Found %s player(s)", len(playerDatFiles))
# empty defaultdict for all the tags
taggedPois = collections.defaultdict(list)
def unpack_nbt(tag):
Unpack an NBT tag into a native Python data structure.
if isinstance(tag, TAG_List):
return [unpack_nbt(i) for i in tag.tags]
elif isinstance(tag, TAG_Compound):
return dict((, unpack_nbt(i)) for i in tag.tags)
return tag.value
# counter for generating the POI indexes
UUIDCounter = collections.Counter()
if poi:
# iterate over all the player dat files
for datFile in playerDatFiles:
# create python object from the dat file
nbtObject = NBTFile(datFile)
nbtDict = unpack_nbt(nbtObject)
# get the inventory and enderchest items
inventory = nbtDict.get("Inventory", {})
enderChest = nbtDict.get("EnderItems", {})
# get all the books in there
books = [b for b in inventory if b["id"] == "minecraft:writable_book"] + [b for b in enderChest if b["id"] == "minecraft:writable_book"]
# iterate over the books
for book in books:
# check if the book starts with "papyri"
bookName = book.get("tag", {}).get("display", {}).get("Name", "")
if "papyri" in bookName:
# iterate over the pages
for page in book.get("tag",{}).get("pages", []):
#iterate over every POI found on a page
for each in re.findall(poiRE, page):
# get the stuff from the POI
title, x, z, desc = each
# get rid of newlines in the description
desc = desc.replace("\n", " ")
# find all the tags
tags = re.findall("\[(.*?)\]", desc)
# find all the colors
colors = re.findall(colorRE, desc)
# replace the tags with markdown links to the tag categories
desc = re.subn("\[(.*?)\]", r"[\1](#\1)", desc)[0]
# print(repr(desc))
# convert the coordinates of the POI to osd viewer coordinates
x = int(x)
z = int(z)
viewerx = (x * scaleFactor + canvasSize / 2) / canvasSize
viewerz = (z * scaleFactor + canvasSize / 2) / canvasSize
# get the uuid of the player who has this book
uuid = datFile.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
# increment the counter keeping track of POI per player
# get the current count to use as a POI id
num = UUIDCounter[uuid]
# if there's colors, get them, otherwise, default to black
if colors:
color = colors
color = ["black"]
# prepare a POI for writing
POI = (uuid, title, x,z, linkFormat.format(viewerx,viewerz), desc, num, color)
# if there's tags, append to the tag dict, otherwise, add to dict as untagged
if tags:
for tag in tags:
taggedPois["none"].append(POI)"Created %s tags", len(taggedPois))
# create the output folders if they don't exsist
if not os.path.exists(papyriOutputPath):"Creating output folders")
os.makedirs(os.path.join(papyriOutputPath, "map"))
# copy the web template files to the output folders
templatePath = os.path.join(cwd, "template")"Copying template web files")
shutil.copy(os.path.join(templatePath, "index.html"), papyriOutputPath)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(templatePath, "map", "index.html"), os.path.join(papyriOutputPath, "map"))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(templatePath, "map", "script.js"), os.path.join(papyriOutputPath, "map"))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(templatePath, ""), os.path.join(papyriOutputPath, "map"))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(templatePath, "map", "style.css"), os.path.join(papyriOutputPath, "map"))
# path to maps
mapsInputGlob = os.path.join(mcdata, "data", "map*.dat")
# dimesnion value to anme dict
dimDict = {-1: "nether", 0: "overworld", 1: "end"}
# get all the maps
mapFiles = glob.glob(mapsInputGlob)
# sort the maps by modified time
mapFiles.sort(key=os.path.getmtime)"Found %s maps", len(mapFiles))
# create the output map images, one per dimension
#background = {d:'RGBA', (canvasSize, canvasSize), (0, 0, 0, 0)) for d in dimDict}
#background = {d:, canvasSize, bands=4) for d in dimDict}
# create a list for the map objects
mapFileObjs = []"Parsing map .dat files")
# get all the map objects
for mapFile in mapFiles:
# sort them by zoom level
mapFileObjs.sort(key=lambda m: m.zoomlevel, reverse=True)
mapFileObjsByDim = collections.defaultdict(list)
for mapFileObj in mapFileObjs:
# create the dimension output folder if they don't exsist
for d in dimDict:
mapOutputPath = os.path.join(papyriOutputPath, "map", "dim", dimDict[d])
if not os.path.exists(mapOutputPath):"Creating folder for %s", dimDict[d])
# pipeline = 20
# count = 0
# memWrite = False
# iterate over all the map objects
for d in dimDict:
background =, canvasSize, bands=4)
# background = background.write_to_memory()
memory = []
layers = []
final = None
for m in mapFileObjsByDim[d]:
dimension = d
zoom = str(m.zoomlevel)
x = int((m.centerxz[0] * scaleFactor ) + canvasSize / 2 - 128 * 2 ** m.zoomlevel / 2 * scaleFactor)
z = int((m.centerxz[1] * scaleFactor ) + canvasSize / 2 - 128 * 2 ** m.zoomlevel / 2 * scaleFactor)
# print (centerx, centerz)
# skip if the center of the map isn't in the canvas
if (x >= canvasSize * scaleFactor or x < 0) or (z >= canvasSize * scaleFactor or z < 0):
continue"Stitching map at %s, %s zoom level %s in %s", m.centerxz[0], m.centerxz[1], zoom, dimDict[dimension])
# create an image from the .dat data
# rescale the image base on the zoom level
# memory_area = io.BytesIO()
numpy_image = numpy.asarray(
height, width, bands = numpy_image.shape
linear = numpy_image.reshape(width * height * bands)
data =
vips_image = pyvips.Image.new_from_memory(data, width, height, bands, 'uchar')
# image_str = memory_area.getvalue()
# vips_image = vips_image.embed(x, z, canvasSize, canvasSize)
# layers.append(vips_image)
backgroundArea = background.extract_area(x, z, width, height)
backgroundArea = backgroundArea.composite(vips_image, "over")
background = background.insert(backgroundArea, x, z)
# if not final:
# final = vips_image
# continue
# else:
# final = final.composite(vips_image, "over")
# background = background.write_to_memory()
# set the output path for map
mapOutputPath = os.path.join(papyriOutputPath, "map", "dim", dimDict[d])
# set the output path for PNG
outPngFile = os.path.join(mapOutputPath, 'out{}.png'.format(d))"Saving .png for %s", dimDict[d])
# save the PNG
# background[d].save(outPngFile)
# set the output path of DZI
outputDir = os.path.join(mapOutputPath, '{}_files'.format(dimDict[d]))
# create a vips image
# dz = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(outPngFile, access='sequential')
# delete the DZI if it exsists
if os.path.exists(outputDir):
shutil.rmtree(outputDir)"Saving DZI for %s", dimDict[d])
# save the DZI
# dz.dzsave(os.path.join(mapOutputPath, '{}'.format(dimDict[d])), suffix=".png")
# print(background)
# background = pyvips.Image.new_from_memory(background, canvasSize, canvasSize, 4, 'uchar')
# background.write_to_file(outPngFile)
# print(layers)
# final = layers.pop(0)
# for layer in layers:
# print(layer)
# final = final.composite(layer, 'over')
background.dzsave(os.path.join(mapOutputPath, "{}".format(dimDict[d])), suffix=".png")
mapStats = {}
# Creating map statistics
for d in dimDict:
mapStats.update([(d, len([a for a in background[d].getdata() if a[3] != 0]) / len(background[d].getdata()) * 100 )])
mapStatsStr = ", ".join([dimDict[d] + " " + str(s) + "%" for d, s in mapStats.items()]) + "\n\n"
# write the file containing all the POI
with open(os.path.join(papyriOutputPath, ""), "w", encoding="utf-8") as poisFile:
if poi:
#poisFile.write("### Map stats\n")
#poisFile.write(mapStatsStr)"Writing POI to")
# iterate over each tag
for tag in sorted(taggedPois):
#write the header for the tag
poisFile.write("## [{}]".format(tag))
# iterate over all the POI in the tag
for poi in taggedPois[tag]:
if poi:"Adding POI to stiched map")
# iterate over the tags to add POI to map
for tag in sorted(taggedPois):
# iterate over POI in tag
for poi in taggedPois[tag]:
# get POI player head
response = requests.get("{}?size=8".format(poi[0]))
#create a new base POI
imgTest ="RGBA", (24, 12), "black")
# object to draw on base POI
draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(imgTest)
# get the number of colors in POI
totalColors = len(poi[7])
# calculate how high a color bar will be
rectHeight = 12 // totalColors
# iterate over each color
for each in enumerate(poi[7]):
# draw a color bar on base POI
point1 = (0, rectHeight * each[0])
point2 = (11, rectHeight * each[0] + rectHeight)
draw.rectangle([point1, point2], fill=each[1])
# add the POI id as a number
draw.text((14, 2), str(poi[6]), font=PIL.ImageFont.truetype(fontPath,8))
# add the player head
imgTest.paste(, (2, 2))
#mask = imgTest.convert("L").point(lambda x: min(x, 100))
#imgAlpha = imgTest
#imgBorder ="RGBA", (26, 10), "black")
#imgBorder.paste(imgTest, (1,1))
# add the POI to the output image
background[0].paste(imgTest, (poi[2] * scaleFactor + canvasSize // 2 - 12, poi[3] * scaleFactor + canvasSize // 2 - 4))
# save the base POI slightly scaled up for
imgOut = imgTest.resize((48, 24)), poi[0] + str(poi[6]) + ".png"), "png")
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