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Last active June 16, 2023 19:51
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To Test Physics on Editor Without play - Unity Engine 2017
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
// This causes the class' static constructor to be called on load and on starting playmode
class PhysicsSettler
// only ever register once
static bool registered = false;
// are we actively settling physics in our scene
static bool active = false;
// the work list of rigid bodies we can find loaded up
static Rigidbody[] workList;
// we need to disable auto simulation to manually tick physics
static bool cachedAutoSimulation;
// how long do we run physics for before we give up getting things to sleep
const float timeToSettle = 10f;
// how long have we been running
static float activeTime = 0f;
// this is the static constructor called by [InitializeOnLoad]
static PhysicsSettler()
if (!registered)
// hook into the editor update
EditorApplication.update += Update;
// and the scene view OnGui
SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += OnSceneGUI;
registered = true;
// let users turn on
[MenuItem("GameMenu/Settle Physics")]
static void Activate()
if( !active )
active = true;
// Normally avoid Find functions, but this is editor time and only happens once
workList = Object.FindObjectsOfType<Rigidbody>();
// we will need to ensure autoSimulation is off to manually tick physics
cachedAutoSimulation = Physics.autoSimulation;
activeTime = 0f;
// make sure that all rigidbodies are awake so they will actively settle against changed geometry.
foreach( Rigidbody body in workList )
// grey out the menu item while we are settling physics
[MenuItem("GameMenu/Settle Physics", true)]
static bool checkMenu()
return !active;
static void Update()
if( active )
activeTime += Time.deltaTime;
// make sure we are not autosimulating
Physics.autoSimulation = false;
// see if all our
bool allSleeping = true;
foreach( Rigidbody body in workList )
if( body != null )
allSleeping &= body.IsSleeping();
if( allSleeping || activeTime >= timeToSettle)
Physics.autoSimulation = cachedAutoSimulation;
active = false;
static void OnSceneGUI(SceneView sceneView)
if( active )
Color cacheColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color =;
GUILayout.Label("Simulating Physics.",, GUILayout.Width(200));
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Time Remaining: {0:F2}",(timeToSettle - activeTime)),, GUILayout.Width(200));
foreach( Rigidbody body in workList )
if( body != null )
bool isSleeping = body.IsSleeping();
if( !isSleeping )
GUI.color =;
Handles.Label(body.transform.position, "SIMULATING");
GUI.color = cacheColor;
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13Flo commented Mar 4, 2021

Super helpful. Thank you for sharing!
(though it works much better using Time.fixedDeltaTime)

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beugnen commented Oct 9, 2021

Awesome! This has been a life-saver! :)


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ms502040 commented Apr 8, 2023


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Works for regular rigidbodies in most situations, however does not work with physics joints

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