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Created July 28, 2017 20:28
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public static class PositionPrediction {
///<summary>Uses one greater calculation to predict the position. (a small amount of time slower than predictRigidbodyVelocity in the benchmark/ maybe faster when dragValue=0).\nNot tested for dragValue=0
public static Vector3 predictRigidbodyVelocityWithoutLoop(Vector3 startVelocity, int cycles, float dragValue, bool _2DGravity, float gravityModifier)
float t = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
//drag how it is used by the unity physics
float d = Mathf.Clamp01(1.0f - (dragValue * t));
//gravity with modifier
Vector3 g;
if (_2DGravity) g = Physics2D.gravity * gravityModifier;
else g = Physics.gravity * gravityModifier;
if (dragValue == 0) return startVelocity + cycles * t * g;
return Mathf.Pow(d, cycles) * startVelocity + t * g * (((1 - Mathf.Pow(d, cycles+1)) / (1f - d)) - 1f);
///<summary>A small amount of time faster than predictRigidbodyVelocityWithoutLoop in the benchmark with cycles=100 (this method uses a lot of simple calculations which are easy and fast to calculate for your CPU).
public static Vector3 predictRigidbodyVelocity(Vector3 startVelocity, int cycles, float dragValue, bool _2DGravity, float gravityModifier)
float t = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
//drag how it is used by the unity physics
float d = Mathf.Clamp01(1.0f - (dragValue * t));
//gravity with modifier
Vector3 g;
if (_2DGravity) g = Physics2D.gravity * gravityModifier;
else g = Physics.gravity * gravityModifier;
Vector3 currentVelocity = startVelocity;
for (int currentCycle = 0; currentCycle < cycles; currentCycle++)
currentVelocity = d * (currentVelocity + t * g);
return currentVelocity;
///<summary>use for benchmarking
public static void test()
/*** TEST 1: Math.Pow vs Mathf.Pow
Debug.Log("0.995^99 is testet in different ways:\nReal Result: 0.608814509035907754665563152497006774430414393647862275565 \n");
Debug.Log("Double Math.Pow converted to float: "+(float)System.Math.Pow(0.995, 99));
Debug.Log("float Math.Pow: " + Mathf.Pow(0.995f, 99f));
double manuallyCalculated = 1;
for(int a=0; a < 99; a++)
manuallyCalculated *= 0.995;
Debug.Log("Manually lineal double converted to float: "+(float)manuallyCalculated);
//TEST 2: Calc Time of different functions in this class
Debug.Log("predictRigidbodyPosition vs predictRigidbodyPositionWithoutLoop calculation time test");
float start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
predictRigidbodyPosition(new Vector3(9.345f, 3.9f, 0f), new Vector3(9.345f, 3.9f, 0f), 100, 1.5f, true, 1f);
Debug.Log("predictRigidbodyPosition time: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - start));
start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
predictRigidbodyPositionWithoutLoop(new Vector3(9.345f, 3.9f, 0f), new Vector3(9.345f, 3.9f, 0f), 100, 1.5f, true, 1f);
Debug.Log("predictRigidbodyPositionWithoutLoop time: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - start));
start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
predictAllRigidbodyPositionsTillCycle(new Vector3(9.345f, 3.9f, 0f), new Vector3(9.345f, 3.9f, 0f), 100, 1.5f, true, 1f);
Debug.Log("predictRigidbodyPositionsTillCycle time: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - start));
start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
predictRigidbodyVelocity(new Vector3(9.345f, 3.9f, 0f), 100, 1.5f, true, 1f);
Debug.Log("predictRigidbodyVelocity time: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - start));
start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
predictRigidbodyVelocityWithoutLoop(new Vector3(9.345f, 3.9f, 0f), 100, 1.5f, true, 1f);
Debug.Log("predictRigidbodyVelocityWithoutLoop time: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - start));
///<summary>Uses one greater calculation to predict the position. (a huge amount of time slower than predictRigidbodyPosition in the benchmark).\nNot tested for dragValue=0
public static Vector3 predictRigidbodyPositionWithoutLoop(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 startVelocity, int cycles, float dragValue, bool _2DGravity, float gravityModifier)
float t = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
//drag how it is used by the unity physics
float d = Mathf.Clamp01(1.0f - (dragValue * t));
//gravity with modifier
Vector3 g;
if (_2DGravity) g = Physics2D.gravity * gravityModifier;
else g = Physics.gravity * gravityModifier;
float d_raised_to_cycles = (float)System.Math.Pow(d, cycles);
float d_raised_to_cyclesPlusOne = (float)System.Math.Pow(d, cycles + 1);
//used for calculations
float geometricSumOfDrag = (1 - d_raised_to_cyclesPlusOne) / (1 - d);
if (dragValue == 0) return startPosition + cycles * t * (startVelocity + t * (cycles + 1) / 2 * g);
return startPosition + (float)cycles * t * t * d * g + (t * d) * (startVelocity * (geometricSumOfDrag - d_raised_to_cycles) + ((float)cycles * d + 1 - geometricSumOfDrag) * (t / (1 - d)) * g);
///<summary>A lot faster than predictRigidbodyPositionWithoutLoop in the benchmark with cycles=100 (this method uses a lot of simple calculations which are easy and fast to calculate for your CPU, incredibly fast method (like 10x faster)).
public static Vector3 predictRigidbodyPosition(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 startVelocity, int cycles, float dragValue, bool _2DGravity, float gravityModifier)
float t = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
//drag how it is used by the unity physics
float d = Mathf.Clamp01(1.0f - (dragValue * t));
//gravity with modifier
Vector3 g;
if (_2DGravity) g = Physics2D.gravity * gravityModifier;
else g = Physics.gravity * gravityModifier;
Vector3 currentPosition = startPosition;
Vector3 currentVelocity = startVelocity;
for (int currentCycle = 0; currentCycle < cycles; currentCycle++)
currentPosition = currentPosition + t * d * currentVelocity + t * d * t * g;
//update velocity AFTER the position to use the velocity from last cycle
currentVelocity = d * (currentVelocity + t * g);
return currentPosition;
///<summary>PredictedPositionData wraps all position and velocity values till the input cycle! (uses the same algorithm as predictRigidbodyPosition but saves all temporary values in the wrapper class)
public static PredictedPositionData predictAllRigidbodyPositionsTillCycle(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 startVelocity, int cycles, float dragValue, bool _2DGravity, float gravityModifier)
float t = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
//drag how it is used by the unity physics
float d = Mathf.Clamp01(1.0f - (dragValue * t));
//gravity with modifier
Vector3 g;
if (_2DGravity) g = Physics2D.gravity * gravityModifier;
else g = Physics.gravity * gravityModifier;
Vector3 currentPosition = startPosition;
Vector3 currentVelocity = startVelocity;
PredictedPositionData data = new PredictedPositionData(cycles, _2DGravity);
data.predictedPosition[0] = currentPosition;
data.predictedVelocity[0] = currentVelocity;
for (int currentCycle = 0; currentCycle < cycles; currentCycle++)
currentPosition = currentPosition + t * d * currentVelocity + t * d * t * g;
//update velocity AFTER the position to use the velocity from last cycle
currentVelocity = d * (currentVelocity + t * g);
data.predictedPosition[currentCycle + 1] = currentPosition;
data.predictedVelocity[currentCycle + 1] = currentVelocity;
return data;
///<summary>Does what the name says! This time angular Velocity is included.\nNOTE: Return does NOT INCLUDE the start element!\n (set to zero if you dont need it this makes it easy to skip the calculation for the engine)
public static List<RigidbodyStatusData> predictAllRigidbodyPositionsTillCollisionWithObstacle(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 startVelocity, float startAngularVelocity, int cycles, float dragValue, bool _2DGravity, float gravityModifier, float angularDragValue, float radiusObstacleDetection, int layerMaskOfObstacles)
float t = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
//drag how it is used by the unity physics
float d = Mathf.Clamp01(1.0f - (dragValue * t));
//angular drag (this is the expected use in the unity physics)
float ad = Mathf.Clamp01(1.0f - (angularDragValue * t));
//gravity with modifier
Vector3 g;
if (_2DGravity) g = Physics2D.gravity * gravityModifier;
else g = Physics.gravity * gravityModifier;
Vector3 currentPosition = startPosition;
Vector3 currentVelocity = startVelocity;
float currentAngularVelocity = startAngularVelocity;
List<RigidbodyStatusData> list = new List<RigidbodyStatusData>();
//first element excluded
//list.Add(new RigidbodyStatusData(currentPosition, currentVelocity, currentAngularVelocity));
for (int currentCycle = 0; currentCycle < cycles; currentCycle++)
currentPosition = currentPosition + t * d * currentVelocity + t * d * t * g;
//update velocity AFTER the position to use the velocity from last cycle
currentVelocity = d * (currentVelocity + t * g);
currentAngularVelocity = currentAngularVelocity * ad;
if (_2DGravity)
if (Physics2D.OverlapCircle(currentPosition, radiusObstacleDetection, layerMaskOfObstacles) != null)
return list;
if (Physics.OverlapSphere(currentPosition, radiusObstacleDetection, layerMaskOfObstacles) != null)
return list;
list.Add(new RigidbodyStatusData(currentPosition, currentVelocity, currentAngularVelocity));
return list;
/// <summary>
/// Wraps Predicted data (EXAMPLE: predictedPosition[4] means predicted position after 4 cycles, [0] is current position)
/// </summary>
public class PredictedPositionData
public bool is2DData;
///<summary>Predicted data (EXAMPLE: predictedPosition[4] means predicted position after 4 cycles, [0] is current position)
public Vector3[] predictedPosition;
///<summary>Predicted data (EXAMPLE: predictedVelocity[4] means predicted velocity after 4 cycles, [0] is current velocity)
public Vector3[] predictedVelocity;
public PredictedPositionData(int predictedCycles, bool is2DData)
this.is2DData = is2DData;
predictedPosition = new Vector3[predictedCycles + 1];
predictedVelocity = new Vector3[predictedCycles + 1];
/// <summary>
/// Wraps rigidbody status data
/// </summary>
public class RigidbodyStatusData
public Vector3 position;
public Vector3 velocity;
public float angularVelocity;
public RigidbodyStatusData(Vector3 position, Vector3 velocity, float angularVelocity)
this.position = position;
this.velocity = velocity;
this.angularVelocity = angularVelocity;
//official physics
float rigidbodyDrag = Mathf.Clamp01(1.0f - (body.drag * Time.fixedDeltaTime));
Vector2 velocityPerFrame = body.velocity + (Physics2D.gravity * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
velocityPerFrame *= rigidbodyDrag;
Vector3 posAfterFrame = transform.position + (Vector3)(velocityPerFrame * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
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