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Created April 11, 2022 20:53
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  • Save jar-o/1b8d3e3a29cfbe765cf6378070c0a0b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jar-o/1b8d3e3a29cfbe765cf6378070c0a0b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
{ # Prevent execution if this script was only partially downloaded
set -e
trap 'rm $tmpfile' EXIT
cat > "$tmpfile" <<'EOF'
oops() {
>&2 echo -e "${RED}error:${NC} $1"
exit 1
#[[ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]] && oops "Please run this script as a regular user"
API_OUTPUT=$(curl -sS
RELEASE=$(echo "$API_OUTPUT" | jq -r .tarball_url)
[[ $RELEASE == null ]] && oops "No release found in ${API_OUTPUT}"
cachix use dapp
command -v solc >/dev/null || solc="solc"
nix-env -iA dapp hevm seth ethsign "$solc" -f "$RELEASE"
echo -e "${GREEN}All set!${NC}"
nix-shell --pure -p cacert cachix curl git jq nix --run "bash $tmpfile"
} # End of wrapping
# vim: set ft=sh:
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