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wolfadex / elm-portal.js
Last active May 7, 2024 17:28
A Portal web component for Elm
window.customElements.define("elm-portal", class extends HTMLElement {
// Base custom element stuff
constructor() {
this._targetNode = document.createElement('div');
connectedCallback() {
Yarith / Article - Animate removed DOM
Last active April 28, 2022 23:50
Elm: Animate the removal of DOM elements with CustomElement and MutationObserver

Elm: Animate the removal of DOM elements with CustomElement and MutationObserver

Desired result

You can see the end result in this ellie. It displays a smooth removal of the clicked items. You can also remove some items from the beginning or the end.

Version 1

Version 2

An updated ellie with improved performance. This gist was not yet updated with all changes made in this version. Only the article text is somewhat updated.

nandorojo /
Last active August 21, 2024 12:07
What I wish I knew when I started with Expo Web, React Navigation & Next.js

I started using React Native in September 2018. I always forget some things when I build new apps, so I'll keep track of the gotchas on this post.

Some topics, such as navigation, will be fundamental to how I think about apps. Others, will be one-line helpers that make apps work more smoothly.

It's gotten to the point where I find my own answers from 6 months before on certain Github issues.

I'll keep adding over time as I think of more. If anyone thinks these topics would be useful, let me know and I'll elaborate.

I have made libraries to address a number of the topics here, from navigation to design.

Super Preliminary Elm - Web Assembly Research

Back in December 2017, I started working on something I called Elmish-Wasm, which was just an experimental repo to compile something Elm-like to Wasm. I made some progress, but the helpful people I talked and I came to the conclusion that most of what I had so far (Haskell and Regex to interpret .elm files into rudimentary wasm) was something the Elm compiler and the Elm AST already did. Writing that code was a lot of fun, but maybe not the most valuable way to explore Elm and WebAssembly. Before jumping back into this project I would like to record the important facts and questions related to compiling Elm to Wasm.

What is Wasm?

A lot of people talk about Web Assembly as if its C++ that runs in the browser. Thats not the case. This belief must come from that fact that C can currently compile to web assembly. Wasm is human-unreadable bytecode. There is a human-readable version of wasm, called wat. It looks like this..

;; A function that adds two numbe
amir-arad / lodash.d.ts
Last active January 11, 2022 17:24 — forked from albohlabs/lodash.d.ts
fixed to pass strict mode validation, plus some generic types here and there
declare namespace fp {
interface Dictionary<T> {
[index: string]: T;
interface CurriedFunction1<T1, R> {
praveenpuglia /
Last active September 4, 2024 12:13
Everything you need to know about Shadow DOM

I am moving this gist to a github repo so more people can contribute to it. Also, it makes it easier for me to version control.

Please go to - for latest version of this document. Also, if you find the document useful, please shower your love, go ⭐️ it. :)

Shadow DOM

Heads Up! It's all about the V1 Spec.

In a nutshell, Shadow DOM enables local scoping for HTML & CSS.

Daniel-Hug / collision-detection.js
Last active March 3, 2024 04:02
JS functions: check if 2 rectangles intersect, are touching, or if one contains the other
// Check if rectangle a contains rectangle b
// Each object (a and b) should have 2 properties to represent the
// top-left corner (x1, y1) and 2 for the bottom-right corner (x2, y2).
function contains(a, b) {
return !(
b.x1 < a.x1 ||
b.y1 < a.y1 ||
b.x2 > a.x2 ||
b.y2 > a.y2
cassiocardoso /
Last active April 8, 2024 00:24 — forked from t-io/
Install most of my Apps with homebrew & cask
echo Install all AppStore Apps at first!
# no solution to automate AppStore installs
read -p "Press any key to continue... " -n1 -s
echo '\n'
echo Install and Set San Francisco as System Font
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
echo Install Homebrew, Postgres, wget and cask
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
peterdemartini /
Last active September 19, 2024 15:14
Exclude node_modules in timemachine
find `pwd` -type d -maxdepth 3 -name 'node_modules' | xargs -n 1 tmutil addexclusion
Rich-Harris /
Last active September 11, 2024 07:28
Stuff I wish I'd known sooner about service workers

Stuff I wish I'd known sooner about service workers

I recently had several days of extremely frustrating experiences with service workers. Here are a few things I've since learned which would have made my life much easier but which isn't particularly obvious from most of the blog posts and videos I've seen.

I'll add to this list over time – suggested additions welcome in the comments or via

Use Canary for development instead of Chrome stable

Chrome 51 has some pretty wild behaviour related to console.log in service workers. Canary doesn't, and it has a load of really good service worker related stuff in devtools.