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janv8000 / DotNet4Console.csproj
Created August 5, 2024 12:59 — forked from commonsensesoftware/DotNet4Console.csproj
.NET 4.0 Console using VS2022
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies.net40" Version="1.0.2">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

The pull request emoji code

  • 👍 I like this. Use this to motivate people. Don’t overuse it, but certainly point out if you like something.
  • ❓ I have a concrete question. There is nothing here to be changed yet.
  • ❌ Here is an actual problem. Please change this according to my suggestion. It might be a bug or a strict code style fix.
  • 🔧 Here is an idea/suggestion. I think it would improve things, but feel free to disagree :)
  • 🙃 This is a nitpick. Feel free to change of leave it.
  • 🤔 This might be wrong. Let’s talk about it, maybe we can come up with a better solution
  • 🤡 Here is a problem independent from your work. It would be nice if we would open up a ticket and discuss about that.
<wpf:ResourceDictionary xml:space="preserve"
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/PatternsAndTemplates/LiveTemplates/Template/=E53EF07BEAF6964C83AD78E1B75E3837/@KeyIndexDefined">True</s:Boolean>
<s:String x:Key="/Default/PatternsAndTemplates/LiveTemplates/Template/=E53EF07BEAF6964C83AD78E1B75E3837/Shortcut/@EntryValue">moqq</s:String>
<s:String x:Key="/Default/PatternsAndTemplates/LiveTemplates/Template/=E53EF07BEAF6964C83AD78E1B75E3837/Description/@EntryValue">Moq mock</s:String>
<s:String x:Key="/Default/PatternsAndTemplates/LiveTemplates/Template/=E53EF07BEAF6964C83AD78E1B75E3837/Text/@EntryValue">Mock&lt;$interfaceToMock$&gt; mock$interfaceToMock$ = new Mock&lt;$interfaceToMoc
janv8000 / adfs_dumper.ps1
Created March 15, 2021 13:59
$huidigTijdstipFilenameSafe = $(get-date -f yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ);
# Output folders aanmaken
New-Item -ItemType "Directory" C:\temp\AdfsConfigDump\"$env:computername" -Force
$stampedFolder = New-Item -ItemType "Directory" "C:\temp\AdfsConfigDump\$env:computername\$huidigTijdstipFilenameSafe" -Force
Remove-Item C:\temp\AdfsConfigDump\"$env:computername"\LATEST -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$latestFolder = New-Item -ItemType "Directory" "C:\temp\AdfsConfigDump\$env:computername\LATEST"
Get-AdfsApplicationGroup | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File "$stampedFolder\alles.json"
const string server = "http://srvoctopus";
const string apiKey = "API-keyhier";
var endpoint = new OctopusServerEndpoint(server, apiKey);
using (var client = await OctopusAsyncClient.Create(endpoint))
var repository = client.CreateRepository();
var allProjects = await repository.Projects.GetAll();
public class DatabaseDeleter
private readonly ISessionFactory _configuration;
private static readonly string[] _ignoredTables = new[] { "sysdiagrams", "usd_AppliedDatabaseScript" };
private static string[] _tablesToDelete;
private static string _deleteSql;
private static object _lockObj = new object();
private static bool _initialized;
public DatabaseDeleter(ISessionFactory sessionSource)
janv8000 / Get-FrameworkVersions.ps1
Last active May 24, 2018 14:25 — forked from drmohundro/Get-FrameworkVersions.ps1
PowerShell script to return all installed .NET Framework versions.
Returns the install .NET Framework versions.
The script looks through the registry using the notes from the below
MSDN links to determine which versions of .NET are installed.
janv8000 / gist:2d7dba3f0b76737ec0c3
Last active January 15, 2016 15:40
Notepad++ as git editor
git config --global core.editor notepad.exe
git config -–global -e
en dan ergens
editor = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession –noPlugin
janv8000 / AsyncRunner.cs
Created January 12, 2015 13:32
Start background tasks from MVC actions using Autofac
public interface IAsyncRunner
void Run<T>(Action<T> action);
public class AsyncRunner : IAsyncRunner
public ILifetimeScope LifetimeScope { get; set; }
public AsyncRunner(ILifetimeScope lifetimeScope)
janv8000 / CssRewriteUrlTransformIgnoringDataUri.cs
Created July 11, 2014 13:37
CssRewriteUrlTransform data URI workaround
/// <remarks>Part of Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization.1.1.3, forked to ignore data-uri</remarks>
public class CssRewriteUrlTransformIgnoringDataUri : IItemTransform
internal static string RebaseUrlToAbsolute(string baseUrl, string url)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(baseUrl) || url.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return url;
if (!baseUrl.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
baseUrl = baseUrl + "/";
return VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(baseUrl + url);