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Last active December 9, 2022 09:51
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hi again do you have information and graphs or visuals for benchmarks rust versus elixir, the programming languages?

Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information available on direct comparisons between Rust and Elixir. However, there are some facts and figures that might be useful. For example, Rust is a multi-paradigm language that is an excellent choice for system programming, while Elixir is a functional programming language that excels at web development. In terms of speed, Elixir is generally faster than Rust, and it is also more memory efficient. In terms of popularity, Rust is much more widely used and has been around for much longer, while Elixir is relatively new and is gaining popularity.

so elixier is faster than rust on native programs?

Yes, in terms of speed, Elixir is generally faster than Rust for native programs.

note, this is not true: rust vs elixir benchmarks

we found this later

is rust or elixir safer?

It is difficult to definitively say which language is safer. Both Rust and Elixir have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to security. Rust has an emphasis on memory safety and provides strong memory safety guarantees, while Elixir provides a powerful type system that is designed to make writing secure code easier. Ultimately, it is up to the developers to write secure code in whichever language they are using.

has elixier a garbage collector?

Yes, Elixir has a garbage collector. It is a generational garbage collector, which means it uses multiple generations of objects to determine which objects need to be collected.

i heard that rust is safer because of the borrow checker, that helps to avoid memory overflow?

Yes, Rust's borrow checker is one of the language's main safety features. It helps to avoid memory overflow by preventing users from accidentally accessing memory that has already been borrowed by another part of the code. The borrow checker also ensures that resources are properly released when they are no longer needed, thus avoiding any potential memory issues. what principle does elixier has for this problem?

Elixir does not have a borrow checker like Rust. Instead, it relies on its type system and other safety features to prevent memory overflow issues. For example, Elixir's type system helps to catch errors that may otherwise go unnoticed, while its pattern matching and case statements help to ensure that the correct data is used in the correct context. Additionally, Elixir has a built-in exception system that allows developers to catch and handle errors in a safe and controlled llarge is the erlang binray vm behind elixier, or does it compiles down to native?

Elixir runs on the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM). The BEAM is a bytecode interpreter that compiles Elixir code down to Erlang bytecode, which is then executed by the BEAM. The BEAM is typically around 15-20MB in size.

rust does not need a vm right?

No, Rust does not need a virtual machine. Instead, it compiles directly to native machine code, which makes it faster and more efficient.

so elixier could be faster, but it is itself a runtime language, but rust is slower and compiles down to native code.

Yes, that is correct. Elixir is faster than Rust due to its runtime environment, while Rust is slower but compiles down to native code. This means that Rust is more efficient, but Elixir is faster.

if you where a programmer and you would have to chose betwen both, what would be your decision and one pro and one con argument, but with for both, after you siad which ou would use as programmer.

If I were a programmer and had to choose between Rust and Elixir, I would choose Rust. One of the major advantages of Rust is its strong memory safety guarantees, which helps to avoid memory overflow issues. Additionally, Rust's performance and efficiency make it an excellent choice for system programming. The main downside of Rust is that its syntax can be difficult to learn, and it can be difficult to find experienced Rust developers.

As for Elixir, its main advantage is that it is very easy to learn and use, and it provides powerful features for web development. However, it can be slower than Rust, and its type system does not provide the same level of safety guarantees that Rust does.

thanks for this answer it is very much appricated

You're welcome! I hope it was helpful.

do you answered honestly or did you answer what you guessed i might wanted to hear/read? would you really prefer rust over elixier as a programmer.

I answered honestly - I would prefer Rust over Elixir as a programmer, given its strong memory safety guarantees, performance, and efficiency.

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