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Created May 20, 2018 15:34
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module Prettify
-- * Constructors
-- * Basic combinators
, (<>)
, empty
, char
, text
, line
-- * Derived combinators
, double
, fsep
, hcat
, punctuate
-- * Renderers
, compact
, pretty
, fill
, nest
, renderDoc
) where
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
instance Monoid Doc where
mempty = empty
mappend = (<>)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
{-- snippet Doc --}
data Doc = Empty
| Char Char
| Text String
| Line
| Concat Doc Doc
| Union Doc Doc
deriving (Show,Eq)
{-- /snippet Doc --}
{-- snippet append --}
(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
Empty <> y = y
x <> Empty = x
x <> y = x `Concat` y
{-- /snippet append --}
{-- snippet basic --}
empty :: Doc
empty = Empty
char :: Char -> Doc
char c = Char c
text :: String -> Doc
text "" = Empty
text s = Text s
double :: Double -> Doc
double d = text (show d)
{-- /snippet basic --}
{-- snippet line --}
line :: Doc
line = Line
{-- /snippet line --}
{-- snippet hcat --}
hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
hcat = fold (<>)
fold :: (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
fold f = foldr f empty
{-- /snippet hcat --}
{-- snippet fsep --}
fsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
fsep = fold (</>)
(</>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x </> y = x <> softline <> y
softline :: Doc
softline = group line
{-- /snippet fsep --}
{-- snippet group --}
group :: Doc -> Doc
group x = flatten x `Union` x
{-- /snippet group --}
{-- snippet flatten --}
flatten :: Doc -> Doc
flatten (x `Concat` y) = flatten x `Concat` flatten y
flatten Line = Char ' '
flatten (x `Union` _) = flatten x
flatten other = other
{-- /snippet flatten --}
{-- snippet punctuate --}
punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate p [] = []
punctuate p [d] = [d]
punctuate p (d:ds) = (d <> p) : punctuate p ds
{-- /snippet punctuate --}
renderDoc :: [Doc] -> String
renderDoc [] = ""
renderDoc (d:ds) =
case d of
Empty -> renderDoc ds
Char c -> c : renderDoc ds
Text s -> s ++ renderDoc ds
Line -> '\n' : renderDoc ds
a `Concat` b -> renderDoc (a:b:ds)
{-- snippet compact --}
compact :: Doc -> String
compact x = renderDoc(transform [x])
where transform [] = []
transform (d:ds) =
case d of
a `Concat` b -> transform (a:b:ds)
_ `Union` b -> transform (b:ds)
_ -> d:transform (ds)
{-- /snippet compact --}
{-- snippet pretty.type --}
pretty :: Int -> Doc -> String
{-- /snippet pretty.type --}
{-- snippet pretty --}
pretty width x = renderDoc(best width 0 [x])
{-- /snippet pretty --}
best width col (d:ds) =
case d of
a `Concat` b -> best width col (a:b:ds)
a `Union` b -> nicest col (best width col (a:ds)) (best width col (b:ds))
_ -> d:best width (col + lengthDoc d) ds
where nicest col a b | (width - least) `fits` a = a
| otherwise = b
least = min width col
best _ _ _ = []
lengthDoc Empty = 0
lengthDoc (Char _) = 1
lengthDoc (Text s) = length s
lengthDoc (Line) = 0
lengthDoc (a `Concat` b) = lengthDoc a + lengthDoc b
lineLength = sum.(map lengthDoc)
{-- snippet fits --}
fits :: Int -> [Doc] -> Bool
w `fits` _ | w < 0 = False
w `fits` [] = True
w `fits` (Line:_) = True
w `fits` (c:cs) = (w - lengthDoc c) `fits` cs
{-- /snippet fits --}
{-- snippet nest --}
nest :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
{-- /snippet nest --}
nest n x = hcat(indent 0 (transform 0 [x]))
where transform::Int->[Doc]->[Doc]
transform col (d:ds) =
case d of
a `Concat` b -> transform col (a:b:ds)
Union (Char ' ') Line -> transform (col + lengthDoc d) ds
_ -> d:transform (col + lengthDoc d) ds
transform _ _ = []
indent _ [] = []
indent ind (d:ds)
| d `elem` [Char '[', Char '{'] = Line : text (replicate ind ' ') : d : Line : text (replicate (ind+n) ' ') : indent (ind + n) ds
| d `elem` [Char ']', Char '}'] = Line : text (replicate (ind -n) ' ') : d : Line : indent (ind - n) ds
| d == Char ',' = Char ',' : Line : text (replicate ind ' ') : indent ind ds
| otherwise = d : indent ind ds
{-- snippet fill --}
fill :: Int -> Doc -> [Doc]
{-- /snippet fill --}
fill width x = linesAddSpace(splitOn([Line]) (best width 0 [x]))
where linesAddSpace::[[Doc]]->[Doc]
linesAddSpace [] = []
linesAddSpace (l:[]) = l ++ [(text (spacesToAdd (lineLength l)))]
linesAddSpace (l:ls) = l ++ [(text (spacesToAdd (lineLength l))), Line] ++ linesAddSpace ls
spacesToAdd llength
| llength < width = replicate (width - llength) ' '
| otherwise = ""
--instance Show Doc where
-- show doc = pretty 80 doc
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