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Created April 28, 2022 21:56
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(ns euler.p549-divisibility-of-factorials-v3)
(defn primes
([] (primes (iterate inc 2)))
(lazy-seq (if (nil? (first s))
(cons (first s)
(filter #(not= 0 (mod % (first s))) (rest s))))))))
(defn find-a-prime-factor [x]
"If we don't find a factor below the sqrt of x then we know x is prime."
(let [to-check (primes (range 2 (+ (int (Math/sqrt x)) 2)))
found (seq (filter #(zero? (mod x %)) to-check))]
(if found
(first found)
(defn prime-factors-of [x]
(let [factor (find-a-prime-factor x)
to-factorize (quot x factor)]
(cons factor
(if (= to-factorize 1)
(prime-factors-of to-factorize)))))
(defn factorials []
"An infinite sequence of factorials!"
(reductions *' (iterate inc 1)))
(defn ! [x]
(nth (factorials) (dec x)))
(defn x-to-power-n [x n]
(reduce #(* %1 %2) 1 (repeat n x)))
(defn smallest-m-for-power-of-factor [factor freq]
(loop [m-to-try factor]
(if (zero? (mod (! m-to-try) (x-to-power-n factor freq)))
(recur (+ m-to-try factor)))))
(def smallest-m-for-power-of-factor-memo (memoize smallest-m-for-power-of-factor))
(defn smallest-m-for-n [n]
(let [pf-n (prime-factors-of n)
f-pf-n (frequencies pf-n)]
(apply max (map (fn [[factor freq]] (smallest-m-for-power-of-factor-memo factor freq)) f-pf-n))))
(defn smallest-m-for-n-naive
"m is the lowest number where m! is divisible by n."
(loop [mtotry 2]
(if (zero? (mod (! mtotry) n))
(recur (inc mtotry)))))
(defn seq-of-smallest-m
([smallest-m-for-n-algo] (seq-of-smallest-m smallest-m-for-n-algo (iterate inc 2)))
([smallest-m-for-n-algo ns]
(lazy-seq (cons (smallest-m-for-n-algo (first ns))
(seq-of-smallest-m smallest-m-for-n-algo (rest ns))))))
(defn smallest-m-so-that-!m-is-divisible-by-n
(smallest-m-so-that-!m-is-divisible-by-n find-m-func 2))
([find-m-func n]
(lazy-seq (cons (find-m-func n) (smallest-m-so-that-!m-is-divisible-by-n find-m-func (inc n))))))
(defn -main [& args]
(println (time (apply + (take (dec (int 10e8)) (seq-of-smallest-m smallest-m-for-n))))))
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