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(ns euler.p549-divisibility-of-factorials-v4)
(defn to-the-power [factor exp]
(reduce * 1 (repeat exp factor)))
(defn a-prime-factor-for-all-to
(loop [pfs (apply vector-of :int (range 0 (inc max-n)))
n 2]
(if (<= (to-the-power n 2) max-n)
(let [new-pfs (if (= n (get pfs n))
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 n)
(range (* n 2) (inc max-n) n)) ; found new prime
(recur new-pfs (inc n)))
(defn prime-factors-of [pre-calculated-pfs x]
(loop [to-factorise x
factors '()]
(let [factor (get pre-calculated-pfs to-factorise)]
(if (= to-factorise 1)
(recur (/ to-factorise factor) (conj factors factor))))))
(defn smallest-m-for-power-of-factor
"Find m where m! is divisible by pf ^ power.
m! is made up of factors 1..m but we are only interested in those factors that are multiples of pf."
[pf power]
(loop [m-to-try pf]
(let [product-of-multiples-of-pf (apply * (range pf (inc m-to-try) pf))]
;instead of seeing if (!m-to-try) is divisible by the pf ^ power, just look at the product of the
; multiples of `pf` up to m-to-try.
(if (zero? (mod product-of-multiples-of-pf (to-the-power pf power)))
(recur (+ m-to-try pf))))))
(def smallest-m-for-power-of-factor-memoized (memoize smallest-m-for-power-of-factor))
(defn power-of-pf-less-than-or-equal-to-m
[pf m]
(last (take-while
(fn [power] (>= m (to-the-power pf power)))
(defn occurances-of-pf-in-product-of-series-1-to-m
"only looking at ms that are a multiple of pf"
[pf m]
(+ (/ m pf) (apply + (range (power-of-pf-less-than-or-equal-to-m pf m)))))
(defn smallest-m-for-primes [f-pf-n]
(apply max (map (fn [[factor freq]] (smallest-m-for-power-of-factor factor freq)) f-pf-n)))
(defn seq-of-smallest-m-till-p [p]
(let [pfs (a-prime-factor-for-all-to p)]
(range 2 (inc p))
(map (fn [x] (frequencies (prime-factors-of pfs x))))
(map smallest-m-for-primes))))
(defn -main [& args]
(doall (map #(let [n-to %
p (to-the-power 10 %)]
(do (println (str "sum of series to 1e" n-to))
(println (time (apply + (seq-of-smallest-m-till-p p))))))
(range 2 9))))
;(defn -main [& args]
; (doall (map #(let [p (x-to-power-n 10 %)]
; (do (println "sum of prime factor series to " p)
; (println (time (seq-of-smallest-m-till-p p)))))
; (range 2 8))))
;(defn -main [& args]
; (println (time (apply + (sum-of-smallest-m-till-p (int 1e2))))))
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