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Last active October 21, 2016 12:03
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Parses SiLK netflow from CERT and dumps JSON objects for elastic search ingest
from silk import *
import json
import random
import datetime
import time
def strTimeProp(start, end, format, prop):
stime = time.mktime(time.strptime(start, format))
etime = time.mktime(time.strptime(end, format))
ptime = stime + prop * (etime - stime)
return time.strftime(format, time.localtime(ptime))
def randomDate(start, end, prop):
return strTimeProp(start, end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', prop)
def parse_all():
ffile = 'flow.rwf'
flow = SilkFile(ffile,READ)
i = 5000;
for rec in flow:
randDate =randomDate("2014-01-05T16:46:59", "2014-06-05T16:46:59", random.random())
d = {}
d['icmpcode'] = rec.icmpcode
d['sip'] = str(rec.sip)
d['protocol'] = rec.protocol
d['output'] = rec.output
d['packets'] = rec.packets
d['bytes'] = rec.bytes
d['application'] = rec.application
d['sensor_id'] = rec.sensor_id
d['duration'] = random.randint(0,500)
d['stime'] = randDate
d['classtype_id'] = rec.classtype_id
d['nhip'] = str(rec.nhip)
d['input'] = rec.input
d['icmptype'] = rec.icmptype
d['dip'] = str(rec.dip)
d['sport'] =
d['dport'] = rec.dport
print '{"index":{"_index":"netflow","_type":"line","_id":'+str(i)+'}}'
i +=1
print json.dumps(d)
print "\n"
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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