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Created June 21, 2012 21:03
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NDC 2011 - Wake Up and Smell The Coffee
# This file contains brushed up version of all the examples [Anders Norås] programmed live during the talk.
# CoffeeScript compiles to JavaScript
numbers = [1,2,3,4] # No need for semicolons!
location = conference = "NDC 2011" # Multiple assigns.
awake = false
console.log location # No need for parens!
# Run, Build
print = console.log # Let's alias for convenience, shall we?
track = 6
if track == 6 # == actually compiles to === to avoid that all too common JS mistake!
print "All is good"
print "You're missing out"
# If you like it both ways (if and unless)
# Semantic aliases
print "You gotta get over to room 6" unless track is 6 # unless complies to an if with !, is complies to ===
# That might remind you of the ternary operator, here's how we do that with Coffee.
getting_this = if awake then "Yupp!" else "Nope!"
print yes isnt no # isnt compiles to !==, yes equals true and no equals false
print on isnt off
# not compiles to !, or compiles to ||, and compiles to &&
if not awake or track is 6 and conference is "Angry Birds Fan Conference"
print "Guess you'll have to catch this on video"
# ...of course you can kick it old school if you dislike that amount of readability
if !awake || track == 6 && conference == "APL Symposium" # Remember == is CoffeeScript's ===
print "Then this might be your cuppa:"
print "↑1 ⍵∨.^3 4=+/,¯1 0 1∘.⊖¯1 0 1∘.⌽⊂⍵" # Game of life as an APL one liner.
# Checking for existence. Compiles to: if (typeof aliens != "undefined" && aliens !== null)
print "Set phazers to stun" if aliens?
# Optional assignment - think defaults
this_is_null = null
this_is_null ||= "Default value" # or= can also be used.
print this_is_null
# Python-style chained comparisons
bpm = 120
can_dance_to_this = 160 > bpm > 96
print can_dance_to_this
# switch-case
switch Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)
when 1
print "You're NDC lotto number is one." # No need to insert breaks!
when 2
print "Two it is!"
when 3 or 4
print "It was either 3 or 4"
else # aka default
print "It was something else."
# Loops
i = 0
while i < 5
print i++
# ..or as a one-liner (refactor above example)
while i <5 then print i++
# ..or or the other way around
print i++ until i is 10
# constructs work as expected in CoffeeScript and it all compiles into "best practice"-compliant JS code
letters = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g']
for letter in letters
print letter
# Works both was
print letter for letter in letters
# Iterating over hashes is just as simple
dictionary = "Horse" : "Hest", "Cow" : "Ku", "Goat" : "Geit"
for english_word, norwegian_word of dictionary
print "#{english_word} is #{norwegian_word} in Norwegian" # Ruby style string interpolation
# Let's take a closer look at that interpolation thingy!
print "4 * 10 + 2 = #{4 * 10 + 2}" # Expressions, not just variables.
print "Attendee: #{if awake then "YAY!" else "Zzzz..."}" # And even code!
# F is for Functional (Catch my talk yesterday?)
fib = (n) -> if n < 2 then n else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) # No need for return, last statement gets returned - just like Ruby!
print fib 10 # Parens optional
# Variable arguments
jackson5song = (first,second,third,the_rest...) ->
print "#{first}, #{second}, #{third}, easy as 1,2,3"
print "Oh. And these were mentioned: #{the_rest}"
jackson5song 'q','r','s','t'
jackson5song letters... # without splats compiles to jackson5song(letters), with splats compiles to jackson5song.apply(null, letters)
# Ranges and arrays
numbers = [1..10]
print numbers
print numbers[3..6] # Gets slices the array at given indecies
numbers[3..6] = numbers[3..6].reverse() # Replaces a segemnt
print numbers
# Test value against all array elements. (Show source)
print "Gee is in there" if 'g' in letters
# Objects are similar to YAML
layout =
paper: "A4"
typeface: "Helvetica"
color: "red"
size: 15
# Soaking up null references with the existential operator. Similar to the "andand" gem in Ruby. This is a version of the null-object pattern.
print layout.text?.color # Delete layout.text to demo, the delete .? operator we get exception instead of undefined
print layout.text?.color ? "black" # Supplying default values.
# Got class?
class Nameable
constructor: (@firstName, @lastName) ->
fullName: ->
"#{@firstName} #{@lastName}" # @ is shorthand for "this."
sayName: ->
speak: (line) ->
print("#{@fullName()}: #{line}")
class Robot extends Nameable
sayName: ->
print("HELL0. I AM Y0UR ELECTR0NIC FRIEND #{@modelName().toUpperCase()} #{@modelNumber()} AND I AM READY T0 C0MPUTE. PLEASE ENTER Y0UR C0MMAND...")
modelName: ->
modelNumber: ->
execute: (command) ->
print("CALCULATING #{command.toUpperCase()}...")
print("EXECUTING #{command.toUpperCase()}...")
class Person extends Nameable
greeting: ->
sayName: ->
print("#{@greeting()}, my name is #{@fullName()}")
class Knight extends Person
fullName: ->
"Sir #{super()}"
class RoyalPerson extends Person
constructor: (name) ->
super(name, "Rex")
greeting: ->
"Hello dear pesants"
knight: (person) ->
if person instanceof Knight
print("But dear Sir, you're already a knight.")
return person
else if person instanceof Person
print("#{person.fullName()} I herby knight thee.")
return new Knight(person.firstName, person.lastName)
print("I'm terribly sorry, but I only knight people.")
ordinaryJoe = new Person("Joe", "Schomoo")
theKing = new RoyalPerson("Charles")
sirSchmoo = theKing.knight(ordinaryJoe)
robovac2000 = new Robot("Robovac", 2000)
robovac2000.execute("vacuum livingroom")
<title>Compiling Coffee Scripts in the Browser</title>
<!-- The JavaScript CoffeeScript compiler compiles all "text/coffeescript blocks when the page loads. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/coffeescript">
$(window).load ->
$("#content").text("Hello NDC!")
<h1 id="content"></h1>
<title>Wake Up and Smell the Coffee</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='@Url.Content("~/Content/site.css")' />
<script type='text/javascript' src='@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.6.1.js")'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.easing.js")'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.circulate.js")'></script>
<!-- "~/Scripts/demo.js" doesn't exist, but SassAndCoffee ( will compile at runtime. -->
<script type='text/javascript' src='@Url.Content("~/Scripts/demo.js")'></script>
<div id="page-wrap">
<div id="cups">
<img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/cup-coffee-icon.png")" id="cup1" />
<img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/cup-coffee-icon.png")" id="cup2" />
# Notice how clean this is compared to the JavaScript equivalent.
$(window).load ->
speed: 4000,
height: 120,
width: -700,
sizeAdjustment: 35,
loop: yes,
zIndexValues: [1,1,3,3]
speed: 4000,
height: 120,
width: -700,
sizeAdjustment: 35,
loop: true,
zIndexValues: [2, 2, 2, 2]
# This Rakefile was used to compile CoffeeScripts at build time.
# It depends on a few things being installed: Cygwin, Node.js, CoffeeScript through NPM and Ruby
# Albacore ( is a set of Rake tasks enabling you to use
# Ruby's Rake build system in place of MSBuild.
require "rubygems"
require "albacore"
namespace :coffee do
task :compile do
puts "Compiling *.coffee in project"
Dir["**/*.coffee"].each do |file| # This finds all CoffeeScripts in the project and iterates through them,,,
puts "Compiling #{file}..."
`coffee -c #{file}` # The commandline CoffeeScript compiler is used here
puts "Coffee is served!"
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