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Last active January 18, 2017 23:21
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Even simpler load testing script
// A very simple load-testing script
// Fires off requests to MediaWiki random page, fires another after receiving response
// Optionally multi-threaded.
var help = "Commands: \n"
+ "showData(): Display data in tab-delimited format\n"
+ "start(): Start sending requests\n"
+ "stop(): Stop sending requests\n"
+ "doForSeconds(seconds): Send requests for specified number of seconds\n"
+ "doForMinutes(minutes): Same as above, but for minutes\n"
+ "doMultiForSeconds(seconds, threads): Same as doForSeconds() but with multiple\n"
+ " requests sent at a time.\n"
+ "doMultiForMinutes(minutes, threads): Same as above but for minutes.\n";
var startTime,
testData = [],
function doRequest () {
startTime =;
function( resp ){
var title = resp.match( /<title>(.*?)<\/title>/ );
title = title && title[1] ? title[1] : "Title read failed";
var endTime =;
var dataRow = {
start: startTime,
end: endTime,
duration: endTime - startTime,
threads: usingThreads,
title: title,
testData.push( dataRow );
console.log( JSON.stringify(dataRow) );
if ( ! stopRequests ) {
else {
console.log( "Stop command encountered." );
console.log( help );
var stopRequests = false;
function stop () {
console.log( "Stopping..." );
stopRequests = true;
function start () {
stopRequests = false;
usingThreads = 1;
function endInSeconds ( seconds ) {
setTimeout( stop, seconds * 1000 );
function doForSeconds ( seconds ) {
endInSeconds( seconds );
function doForMinutes ( minutes ) {
doForSeconds( minutes * 60 );
function doMultiForSeconds ( seconds, threads ) {
stopRequests = false;
threads = parseInt(threads) > 0 ? parseInt(threads) : 1;
usingThreads = threads;
for( var i = 0; i < threads; i++ ) {
endInSeconds( seconds );
function doMultiForMinutes ( minutes, threads ) {
doMultiForSeconds( minutes * 60, threads );
function showData () {
var output = "Start\tDuration\tThreads\tTitle",
pad = function ( n, width, z ) {
z = z || '0';
n = n + '';
width = width || 2;
return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n;
for ( var t = 0; t < testData.length; t++ ) {
start = new Date( testData[t].start );
start = [
pad( start.getHours() ),
pad( start.getMinutes() ),
pad( start.getSeconds() )
output += "\n"
+ [
console.log( output );
console.log( help );
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