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Forked from OldNo7/xd2md.cs
Created October 13, 2015 19:15
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace Formix.Utils
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program app = new Program();
string md = app.ToMarkdown(args[0]);
private Dictionary<string, string> context;
public Program()
context = new Dictionary<string, string>();
context["lastNode"] = null;
public string ToMarkdown(string filePath)
var xdoc = XDocument.Load(filePath);
var sw = new StringWriter();
this.ToMarkdown(sw, xdoc.Root);
return sw.ToString();
private void ToMarkdown(StringWriter sw, XElement root)
if (root.Name != "param" && context["lastNode"] == "param")
if (root.Name == "doc")
foreach (var node in root.Nodes())
var elem = (XElement)node;
if (elem.Name == "assembly")
context["assembly"] = elem.Element("name").Value;
sw.WriteLine("\n# {0}\n", context["assembly"]);
else if (elem.Name == "members")
ToMarkdown(sw, elem);
else if (root.Name == "members")
// Sorts by member name to regroup them all properly.
var members = new List<XElement>(root.Elements("member"));
members.Sort((a, b) =>
foreach (var member in members)
ToMarkdown(sw, member);
else if (root.Name == "member")
var memberName = root.Attribute(XName.Get("name")).Value;
char memberType = memberName[0];
if (memberType == 'M')
memberName = RearrangeParametersInContext(root);
if (memberType == 'T')
string remove = String.Format("T:{0}.",context["assembly"]);
string shortMemberName = memberName.Replace(remove,"");
sw.WriteLine("\n## {0}\n", shortMemberName);
context["typeName"] = shortMemberName;
string shortMemberName = memberName.Replace("P:" + context["assembly"],"").Replace(context["typeName"] + ".","");
if (shortMemberName.StartsWith("#ctor"))
shortMemberName = shortMemberName.Replace("#ctor", "Constructor");
sw.WriteLine("\n### {0}\n", shortMemberName);
foreach (var node in root.Nodes())
if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
ToMarkdown(sw, (XElement)node);
else if (root.Name == "summary")
string summary = Regex.Replace(root.Value, "\\s+", " ", RegexOptions.Multiline);
sw.WriteLine("{0}\n", summary.Trim());
else if (root.Name == "param")
if (context["lastNode"] != "param")
sw.WriteLine("| Name | Description |");
sw.WriteLine("| ---- | ----------- |");
string paramName = root.Attribute(XName.Get("name")).Value;
if (context.ContainsKey(paramName))
sw.WriteLine("| {0} | *{1}*<br>{2} |",
Regex.Replace(root.Value, "\\s+", " ", RegexOptions.Multiline));
sw.WriteLine("| {0} | *Unknown type*<br>{1} |",
Regex.Replace(root.Value, "\\s+", " ", RegexOptions.Multiline));
else if (root.Name == "returns")
sw.WriteLine("\n#### Returns\n");
sw.WriteLine("{0}\n", Regex.Replace(root.Value, "\\s+", " ", RegexOptions.Multiline));
else if (root.Name == "remarks")
sw.WriteLine("\n#### Remarks\n");
sw.WriteLine("{0}\n", Regex.Replace(root.Value, "\\s+", " ", RegexOptions.Multiline));
else if (root.Name == "exception")
string exName = root.Attribute("cref").Value.Substring(2);
exName = exName.Replace(context["assembly"] + ".", "");
exName = exName.Replace(context["typeName"] + ".", "");
sw.WriteLine("*{0}:* {1}\n",
Regex.Replace(root.Value, "\\s+", " ", RegexOptions.Multiline));
context["lastNode"] = root.Name.ToString();
private string RearrangeParametersInContext(XElement methodMember)
string methodPrototype = methodMember.Attribute(XName.Get("name")).Value;
Match match = Regex.Match(methodPrototype, "\\((.*)\\)");
string parameterString = match.Groups[1].Value.Replace(" ", "");
string[] parameterTypes = parameterString.Split(',');
if (parameterTypes.Length == 0)
// nothing to do...
return methodPrototype;
List<XElement> paramElems = new List<XElement>(methodMember.Elements("param"));
if (parameterTypes.Length != paramElems.Count)
// the parameter count do not match, we can't do the rearrangement.
return methodPrototype;
string newParamString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < paramElems.Count; i++)
XElement paramElem = paramElems[i];
string paramName = paramElem.Attribute(XName.Get("name")).Value;
string paramType = parameterTypes[i];
if (newParamString != "")
newParamString += ", ";
newParamString += paramName;
context[paramName] = paramType;
string newMethodPrototype = Regex.Replace( methodPrototype,
"(" + newParamString + ")");
return newMethodPrototype;
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